| __init__ (self) |
| __init__ (self) |
| __init__ (self, any ob) |
| __init__ (self, SceneElement el) |
Curve | __assign__ (self, SceneElement el) |
int | pointsCount (self) |
| get the base points cout in the curve
any | point (self, int idx) |
| get the base point pointer
| removePoints (self, int index, int count) |
| remove the points out of the curve base points list
any | curve (self) |
| get the low-level ObjeCurveObject pointer
int | renderPointsCount (self) |
| returns the visual points count.
any | renderPoint (self, int idx) |
| returns the visual point reference
| updatePoints (self) |
| update the visual points if need.
bool | closed (self) |
| returns the reference to the closed state of the curve to get or set the value
| add (self, vec3 p, vec3 normal, float Radius) |
| add the point to the curve without the direct options the tangents
| addSharp (self, vec3 p, vec3 normal, float Radius) |
| add the sharp point to the curve
| addSmooth (self, vec3 p, vec3 normal, float Radius) |
| add the smooth B-spline-like point to the curve
| addBothTangents (self, vec3 p, vec3 normal, vec3 inTangent, vec3 outTangent, float Radius) |
| add the point with two independent tangents.
| addWithTangent (self, vec3 p, vec3 normal, vec3 inOutTangent, float Radius) |
| add the point with the opposite tangents
| tubeToMesh (self, Mesh mesh, bool hemisphere) |
| create the solid tube around the curve using the points radius
list | getPoint (self, int idx) |
| get the point of the curve
| setPointPosition (self, int idx, vec3 p) |
| set the point position
| setPointNormal (self, int idx, vec3 n) |
| set the point normal
| setPointTangents (self, int idx, vec3 t1, vec3 t2) |
| set the point tangents
| setPointRadius (self, int idx, float r) |
| set the point radius
bool | isOpen (self) |
| check if the curve is open
| setOpen (self) |
| set the curve to be open
| setClosed (self) |
| set the curve to be closed
| unselectPoints (self) |
| unselect all curve points
| selectPoint (self, int idx) |
| select the curve point
| fill (self, Mesh mesh, float thickness, float relax_count=0, float details_level=1, float extrusion=0) |
| Create the curved surface around the curve.
bool | __eq__ (self, SceneElement other) |
bool | __ne__ (self, SceneElement other) |
SceneElement | parent (self) |
| get the parent scene graph element
int | childCount (self) |
| returns the child elements count
SceneElement | child (self, int index) |
| returns child element by index
bool | isSculptObject (self) |
| Check if it is the sculpt object.
bool | isCurve (self) |
| Check if the element is curve.
SceneElement | setTransform (self, mat4 Transform) |
| Set the transform matrix.
SceneElement | transform (self, mat4 Transform) |
| Additional transform over the object.
SceneElement | density (self, float density_value) |
| this command useful if you use voxels, it sets the scale for the volume so that there will be density_value of voxels per mm
SceneElement | transform_single (self, mat4 Transform) |
| Additional transform over the object, not applied to child objects.
mat4 | getTransform (self) |
| get the scene element transform
SceneElement | clear (self) |
| Clear the element content.
str | name (self) |
| get the element name
str | getLinkedPath (self, int id) |
| get the linked file path
int | linkedObjectCount (self) |
| get the linked file path
| addLinkedPath (self, str path) |
| set the linked file path
SceneElement | rename (self, str name) |
| rename the element
SceneElement | addChild (self, str name) |
| add the child element of the same nature
SceneElement | findInSubtree (self, str name) |
| find the element in subtree by name
bool | iterateSubtree (self, any fn) |
| iterate over the subtree
bool | iterateVisibleSubtree (self, any fn) |
| iterate over the visible subtree
| mergeSubtree (self, bool booleanMerge=False) |
| merge all subtree volumes into this
| mergeTo (self, SceneElement dest, BoolOpType op) |
| merge the volume to another one, delete this volume
| copyMergeTo (self, SceneElement dest, BoolOpType op) |
| copy and merge the volume to another one, delete this volume
| removeSubtree (self) |
| remove the whole subtree
| removeSubtreeItem (self, int index) |
| remove one child from the subtree
| remove (self) |
| remove this item and all child objects from the scene
SceneElement | duplicate (self) |
| diplicate the item
SceneElement | duplicateAsInstance (self) |
| create the instance of the object if instancing supported
| changeParent (self, SceneElement newParent) |
| change the parent element for the current one
bool | isParentOf (self, SceneElement child) |
| check if the element is parent of another one
bool | visible (self) |
| returns own visibility state reference.
| setVisibility (self, bool visible) |
| set the visibility of the element
bool | ghost (self) |
| returs the state of ghosting (if available)
| setGhost (self, bool ghost) |
| sets the ghosting state (if available)
vec4 | getReferenceColor (self) |
| get the reference color for the element
| setReferenceColor (self, vec4 color) |
| set the reference color for the element
Volume | Volume (self) |
| returns the volume object to operate over voxels or surface
| select (self) |
| add the object to selected
| selectOne (self) |
| unselect all similar elements and select this one
| unselectAll (self) |
| unselect all similar objects
bool | selected (self) |
| Check if the scene element is selected.
list | collectSelected (self) |
| Collect the selected elements in the subtree (including this element if selected)