3DCoat Python API
The 3DCoat Python API documentation.
No Matches
coat.Mesh Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self)
 __init__ (self)
 __init__ (self, Mesh m)
 __init__ (self, any m)
Mesh __assign__ (self, Mesh m)
Mesh __assign__ (self, any m)
Mesh MakeCopy (self)
bool Read (self, str name)
 Load the mesh from the file.
bool Write (self, str name)
 Save the mesh to file.
bool valid (self)
 Check if mesh is valid.
 clear (self)
 clear the mesh
Mesh __iadd__ (self, Mesh m)
Mesh __iadd__ (self, any m)
 addTransformed (self, Mesh m, mat4 t)
 concatenate the transformed mesh with the current one
 boolean (self, Mesh m, BoolOpType op)
 boolean operation
 transform (self, mat4 transform)
 transform the mesh
 rotateToXYAxis (self, vec3 axisX, vec3 axisY)
 rotate the mesh so that X axis will be aligned with axisX, Y axis will be aligned with axisY
 rotateToYZAxis (self, vec3 axisY, vec3 axisZ)
 rotate the mesh so that Y axis will be aligned with axisY, Z axis will be aligned with axisZ
 rotateToZXAxis (self, vec3 axisZ, vec3 axisX)
 rotate the mesh so that Z axis will be aligned with axisZ, X axis will be aligned with axisX
int vertsCount (self)
 returns the amount of verts in the mesh
int vertsUvCount (self)
 returns the amount of UV - verts in the mesh
int vertsNormalCount (self)
 returns the amount of normal - verts in the mesh
int facesCount (self)
 returns the faces amount
vec3 getVertex (self, int idx)
 get the vertex coordinate
 setVertex (self, int idx, vec3 v)
 set the vertex coordinate
int createNewVertex (self, vec3 position)
 create the positional vertex
vec2 getVertexUV (self, int idx)
 get the UV coordinate of the vertex, pay attention position verts and UV verts are different, they have different indices
 setVertexUV (self, int idx, vec2 v)
 set the UV coordinate of the vertex, pay attention position verts and UV verts are different, they have different indices
int createNewUvVertex (self, vec2 uv)
 create new UV vertex to be used for faces
vec3 getVertexNormal (self, int idx)
 get the normal of the vertex, pay attention position verts and normal verts are different, they have different indices
 setVertexNormal (self, int idx, vec3 v)
 set the normal of the vertex, pay attention position verts and normal verts are different, they have different indices
 calcNormals (self)
 re-calculate normals over the mesh
 calcNormalsIgnoreSharpEdges (self)
 re-calculate normals over the mesh, ignore the sharp edges
int getFaceVertsCount (self, int face)
 get the amount of vertices over the face
int getFaceUvVertsCount (self, int face)
 get the amount of UV vertices over the face
int getFaceVertex (self, int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex)
 get the positional vertex index over the face
list getFaceVerts (self, int face)
 get the list of UV vertex indices over the face, pay attention UV vertices are not same as position vertices
 setFaceVerts (self, int face, list vertices)
 set the list of positional vertex indices over the face
int getFaceUvVertex (self, int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex)
 get the UV vertex index over the face
 setFaceUvVertex (self, int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex, int uvVertexIndex)
 set the UV vertex index over the face
int getFaceNormalVertex (self, int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex)
 get the normal vertex index over the face
 setFaceNormalVertex (self, int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex, int normalVertexIndex)
 set the normal vertex index over the face
list getFaceUvVerts (self, int face)
 get the list of UV vertices indices over the face
int getFaceObject (self, int faceIndex)
 get the object index over the face, see the getObjectsCount(), getObjectName()
 setFaceObject (self, int faceIndex, int objectIndex)
 set the object index for the face, see the getObjectsCount(), getObjectName()
int getFaceMaterial (self, int faceIndex)
 get the material index over the face, see the getMaterialsCount(), getMaterialName()
 setFaceMaterial (self, int faceIndex, int materialIndex)
 set the material index over the face, see the getMaterialsCount(), getMaterialName()
int getObjectsCount (self)
 returns the objects count in the mesh
str getObjectName (self, int idx)
 get the name of the object
 setObjectName (self, int idx, str name)
 set object name
int addObject (self, str name)
 add new object to the mesh
 removeObject (self, int idx)
 remove object from the mesh
 unifyAllObjects (self, str name="")
 unify all objects in the mesh, i.e.
int getMaterialsCount (self)
 get the materials count in the mesh
int addMaterial (self, str name)
 add new material to the mesh
 removeMaterial (self, int idx)
 remove the material (and corresponding faces) from the mesh
str getMaterialName (self, int idx)
 get the name of the material
 setMaterialName (self, int idx, str name)
 set material name
str getMaterialTexture (self, int idx, int texture_layer)
 get the texture name of the material
 setMaterialTexture (self, int idx, int texture_layer, str texture_path)
 set the texture layer filename of the material
 fromVolume (self, Volume v, bool with_subtree=False, bool all_selected=False)
 extract the mesh from the volume
 fromReducedVolume (self, Volume v, float reduction_percent, bool with_subtree=False, bool all_selected=False)
 extract the mesh from the volume and reduce it by the given percent
 fromVolumeWithMaxPolycount (self, Volume v, int max_polycount, bool with_subtree=False, bool all_selected=False)
 extract the mesh from the volume and reduce to the given polycount
 toVolume (self, Volume v, mat4 transform=mat4.Identity, BoolOpType op=BoolOpType.BOOL_MERGE)
 merge this mesh to the volume object
 insertInVolume (self, Volume v, mat4 transform=mat4.Identity)
 insert without boolean operation, if the volume is not in surface mode (volumetric) the boolean ADD will be performed anyway
 addToVolume (self, Volume v, mat4 transform=mat4.Identity)
 boolean add to volume
 subtractFromVolume (self, Volume v, mat4 transform=mat4.Identity)
 boolean subtraction of the mesh from the volume
 intersectWithVolume (self, Volume v, mat4 transform=mat4.Identity)
 boolean intersection of the mesh with the volume
 fromRetopo (self)
 take the whole mesh from the retopo room
 fromPaintRoom (self)
 get the mesh from the paint room
 reduceToPolycount (self, int destination_triangles_count)
 reduce the mesh to the given polycount, mesh will be triangulated
 triangulate (self)
 triangulate the mesh
 booleanOp (self, Mesh With, BoolOpType op)
 Perform the boolean operation with the given mesh.
list getMeshVertices (self)
 get the list of all positional vertices of the mesh
list getMeshNormals (self)
 get the list of all normal vertices of the mesh
list getMeshUVs (self)
 get the list of all UV vertices of the mesh
 setMeshVertices (self, list positions)
 set the list of all positional vertices for the mesh
 setMeshNormals (self, list normals)
 set the list of all normal vertices for the mesh
 setMeshUVs (self, list uvs)
 set the list of all UV vertices for the mesh
 setMeshFaces (self, list faces)
 set the complete list of faces for the mesh
 addMeshVertices (self, list positions)
 add the list of all positional vertices for the mesh
 addMeshNormals (self, list normals)
 add the list of all normal vertices for the mesh
 addMeshUVs (self, list uvs)
 add the list of all UV vertices for the mesh
 addMeshFaces (self, list faces)
 add the list of faces for the mesh, pay attention, all vertex indices are global over the whole mesh!
 clearVerts (self)
 clear all positional vertices of the mesh
 clearUvVerts (self)
 clear all uv vertices of the mesh
 clearNormals (self)
 clear all normal vertices of the mesh
 clearFaces (self)
 clear all faces of the mesh
 removeFaces (self, list faces)
 remove the set of vertices from the mesh
 clearObject (self)
 clear all objects
 clearMaterials (self)
 clear all materials
 ensureMaterialsAndObjectsExist (self)
 ensure that at least one material and one object exist in the mesh
int addObject (self, str name)
 add the named object
int addMaterial (self, str name)
 add the named material
 removeUnusedObjectsAndMaterials (self)
 remove all unused objects and materials
 removeUnusedVerts (self)
 remove all unused vertices
 removeUnusedFaces (self)
 remove all faces that contain zero vertices
 cutByPlane (self, vec3 start, vec3 NormalDirection)
 Cut off the mesh by the plane, the result is stored in the current mesh, the part of the mesh that is on the side of the negative normal direction is removed.
 cutByDistortedPlane (self, vec3 start, vec3 NormalDirection, float noise_degree, float noise_scale, int seed=0)
 Cut off the mesh by the distorted plane (using the Perlin noise), the result is stored in the current mesh, the part of the mesh that is on the side of the negative normal direction is removed.
 distortByPerlinNoise (self, float noise_degree, float noise_scale, bool anisotropic=False, int seed=0)
 distort the mesh by the Perlin noise
list splitDisconnectedParts (self)
 split the mesh into disconnected parts
 symmetry (self, vec3 start, vec3 NormalDirection, bool resultInQuads)
 apply symmetry to the mesh
list autodetectSymmetryPlanes (self)
 Detect the symmetry planes of the mesh.
 weld (self, float minimal_relative_distance=0.0001)
 weld the mesh, remove all vertices that are closer than minimal_relative_distance*mesh_bound_box_diagonal to each other
boundbox getBounds (self)
 get the mesh bound box
float getVolume (self)
 get the volume of the mesh
float getOpenSurfaceVolume (self, vec3 start, vec3 dir)
 calculate the volume even if the mesh is not closed, in this case we define plane that limits the integration
float getSquare (self)
 get square of the mesh
float getFaceSquare (self, int face)
 get the squareof the face
float getFaceUVSquare (self, int face)
 get the face square in UV space
vec3 getFaceNormal (self, int face)
 get the face normal
 relax (self, float degree, bool tangent, float crease_angle=180)
 relax the mesh, keep the vertices count
 createVDM (self, int side, str path_to_exr, vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float radius=1, vec3 up=vec3.AxisZ, vec3 x=vec3.AxisX, vec3 y=vec3.AxisY)
 Create the vector displacement map from the mesh and save it as EXR file.
 shell (self, float thickness_out, float thickness_in, int divisions=1)
 add some thickness to the mesh (intrude a bit)
list extrudeOpenEdges (self, float distance, vec3 direction=vec3.Zero)
 extrude open edges of the mesh
list expandOpenEdges (self, float distance)
 extrude open edges of the mesh
list getOpenEdges (self)
 get the list of open edges
float getLengthAlongDirection (self, vec3 dir)
 get the mesh size along some axis
vec3 getCenterMass (self)
 calculate the center mass of the mesh

Static Public Member Functions

Mesh box (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, vec3 size=vec3.One, vec3 xAxis=vec3.Zero, vec3 yAxis=vec3.Zero, vec3 zAxis=vec3.Zero, float detail_size=1, float fillet=0.0, int nx=0, int ny=0, int nz=0)
 create the box mesh
Mesh sphere (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float radius=1.0, float detail_size=1)
 create the sphere mesh
Mesh cylinder (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float radius=1, float height=2, float detail_size=1, int slices=0, int caps=0, int rings=0, float fillet=0)
 create the cylinder mesh
Mesh cone (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float radius=1, float height=2, float detail_size=1, vec3 topAxis=vec3.AxisY)
 create the cone mesh
Mesh plane (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float sizeX=2, float sizeY=2, int divisionsX=2, int divisionsY=2, vec3 xAxis=vec3.AxisX, vec3 yAxis=vec3.AxisY)
 create the single-side plane mesh, the faces normals are put toward the vec3.Cross(xAxis, yAxis)
Mesh hexagonal_plane (vec3 center=vec3.Zero, float sizeX=2, float sizeY=2, int divisionsX=2, int divisionsY=2, vec3 xAxis=vec3.AxisX, vec3 yAxis=vec3.AxisY)
 create the single-side triangular plane mesh that consists mostly of quasi equally-sided triangles
Mesh text (str string, str font="tahoma", float height=10.0, vec3 center=vec3.Zero, vec3 text_direction=vec3.AxisX, vec3 text_normal=vec3.AxisY, float thickness=1, int align=1)
 Create the text mesh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__() [1/4]

coat.Mesh.__init__ ( self)

◆ __init__() [2/4]

coat.Mesh.__init__ ( self)

◆ __init__() [3/4]

coat.Mesh.__init__ ( self,
Mesh m )

◆ __init__() [4/4]

coat.Mesh.__init__ ( self,
any m )

Member Function Documentation

◆ __assign__() [1/2]

Mesh coat.Mesh.__assign__ ( self,
any m )

◆ __assign__() [2/2]

Mesh coat.Mesh.__assign__ ( self,
Mesh m )

◆ __iadd__() [1/2]

Mesh coat.Mesh.__iadd__ ( self,
any m )

◆ __iadd__() [2/2]

Mesh coat.Mesh.__iadd__ ( self,
Mesh m )

◆ addMaterial() [1/2]

int coat.Mesh.addMaterial ( self,
str name )

add new material to the mesh

namethe material name
the material index

◆ addMaterial() [2/2]

int coat.Mesh.addMaterial ( self,
str name )

add the named material

namethe name for the material
the index of new material in the materials list

◆ addMeshFaces()

coat.Mesh.addMeshFaces ( self,
list faces )

add the list of faces for the mesh, pay attention, all vertex indices are global over the whole mesh!

facesthe format of faces is:
amount_ot_vets_in_face1, vertex1_face1, vertex2_face1...vertexN-1_face1,
amount_ot_vets_in_face2, vertex1_face2, vertex2_face2...

◆ addMeshNormals()

coat.Mesh.addMeshNormals ( self,
list normals )

add the list of all normal vertices for the mesh

normalsthe list of normals (vec3)

◆ addMeshUVs()

coat.Mesh.addMeshUVs ( self,
list uvs )

add the list of all UV vertices for the mesh

uvsthe list of UVs (vec2)

◆ addMeshVertices()

coat.Mesh.addMeshVertices ( self,
list positions )

add the list of all positional vertices for the mesh

positionsthe list of positions

◆ addObject() [1/2]

int coat.Mesh.addObject ( self,
str name )

add new object to the mesh

namethe object name
the object index

◆ addObject() [2/2]

int coat.Mesh.addObject ( self,
str name )

add the named object

namethe name for the object
the index of new object in the objects list

◆ addToVolume()

coat.Mesh.addToVolume ( self,
Volume v,
mat4 transform = mat4.Identity )

boolean add to volume

vthe destination volume
transformthe transform

◆ addTransformed()

coat.Mesh.addTransformed ( self,
Mesh m,
mat4 t )

concatenate the transformed mesh with the current one

mthe mesh
tthe transform

◆ autodetectSymmetryPlanes()

list coat.Mesh.autodetectSymmetryPlanes ( self)

Detect the symmetry planes of the mesh.

the list of planes

◆ boolean()

coat.Mesh.boolean ( self,
Mesh m,
BoolOpType op )

boolean operation

mthe mesh to operate

◆ booleanOp()

coat.Mesh.booleanOp ( self,
Mesh With,
BoolOpType op )

Perform the boolean operation with the given mesh.

Withthe mesh to perform the operation with over the current mesh
opthe operation, see BoolOpType (-1 means no operation, 0 - add, 1 - subtract, 2 - intersect)

◆ box()

Mesh coat.Mesh.box ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
vec3 size = vec3.One,
vec3 xAxis = vec3.Zero,
vec3 yAxis = vec3.Zero,
vec3 zAxis = vec3.Zero,
float detail_size = 1,
float fillet = 0.0,
int nx = 0,
int ny = 0,
int nz = 0 )

create the box mesh

centerthe box center
sizethe box size
xAxisthe x-axis direction, if zero, the x-axis is default - (1,0,0)
yAxisthe y-axis direction, if zero, the y-axis is default - (0,1,0)
zAxisthe z-axis direction, if zero, the z-axis is default - (0,0,1)
detail_sizethe average length of the edge over the figure. The figure will be divided so that edges length will be approximately the detail_size
filletthe fillet radius
nxthe number of segments along the x-axis (if all of nx, ny, nz are above zero, it overrides the detail_size)
nythe number of segments along the y-axis (if all of nx, ny, nz are above zero, it overrides the detail_size)
nzthe number of segments along the z-axis (if all of nx, ny, nz are above zero, it overrides the detail_size)
the box mesh

◆ calcNormals()

coat.Mesh.calcNormals ( self)

re-calculate normals over the mesh

◆ calcNormalsIgnoreSharpEdges()

coat.Mesh.calcNormalsIgnoreSharpEdges ( self)

re-calculate normals over the mesh, ignore the sharp edges

◆ clear()

coat.Mesh.clear ( self)

clear the mesh

◆ clearFaces()

coat.Mesh.clearFaces ( self)

clear all faces of the mesh

◆ clearMaterials()

coat.Mesh.clearMaterials ( self)

clear all materials

◆ clearNormals()

coat.Mesh.clearNormals ( self)

clear all normal vertices of the mesh

◆ clearObject()

coat.Mesh.clearObject ( self)

clear all objects

◆ clearUvVerts()

coat.Mesh.clearUvVerts ( self)

clear all uv vertices of the mesh

◆ clearVerts()

coat.Mesh.clearVerts ( self)

clear all positional vertices of the mesh

◆ cone()

Mesh coat.Mesh.cone ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float radius = 1,
float height = 2,
float detail_size = 1,
vec3 topAxis = vec3.AxisY )

create the cone mesh

centerthe center of the cone (the cone base center)
radiusthe cone radius
heightthe cone height
detail_sizethe average length of the edge over the figure. The figure will be divided so that edges length will be approximately the detail_size
topAxisthe top axis direction, if zero, the top axis is default - (0,1,0)
the cone mesh

◆ createNewUvVertex()

int coat.Mesh.createNewUvVertex ( self,
vec2 uv )

create new UV vertex to be used for faces

uvthe texture coordinates
the index

◆ createNewVertex()

int coat.Mesh.createNewVertex ( self,
vec3 position )

create the positional vertex

positionthe position
the positional vertex index

◆ createVDM()

coat.Mesh.createVDM ( self,
int side,
str path_to_exr,
vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float radius = 1,
vec3 up = vec3.AxisZ,
vec3 x = vec3.AxisX,
vec3 y = vec3.AxisY )

Create the vector displacement map from the mesh and save it as EXR file.

The mesh is put on plane at center and clamped by that plane.

sidethe EXR file side size
path_to_exrthe path to the EXR file
centerthe center of the plane
radiusthe radius that should include the mesh
upthe up vector of the plane
xthe x vector of the plane
ythe y vector of the plane

◆ cutByDistortedPlane()

coat.Mesh.cutByDistortedPlane ( self,
vec3 start,
vec3 NormalDirection,
float noise_degree,
float noise_scale,
int seed = 0 )

Cut off the mesh by the distorted plane (using the Perlin noise), the result is stored in the current mesh, the part of the mesh that is on the side of the negative normal direction is removed.

startthe start point of the plane
NormalDirectionthe normal direction of the plane
noise_degreethe degree of the noise
noise_scalethe scale of the noise
seedthe seed for the noise

◆ cutByPlane()

coat.Mesh.cutByPlane ( self,
vec3 start,
vec3 NormalDirection )

Cut off the mesh by the plane, the result is stored in the current mesh, the part of the mesh that is on the side of the negative normal direction is removed.

startthe start point of the plane
NormalDirectionthe normal direction of the plane

◆ cylinder()

Mesh coat.Mesh.cylinder ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float radius = 1,
float height = 2,
float detail_size = 1,
int slices = 0,
int caps = 0,
int rings = 0,
float fillet = 0 )

create the cylinder mesh

centerthe center of the cylinder
radiusthe radius of the cylinder
heightthe height of the cylinder
detail_sizethe average length of the edge over the figure. The figure will be divided so that edges length will be approximately the detail_size
slicesthe number of slices, it overrides the detail_size if all of slices, caps, rings are above zero
capsthe number of caps, it overrides the detail_size if all of slices, caps, rings are above zero
ringsthe number of rings, it overrides the detail_size if all of slices, caps, rings are above zero
filletthe fillet radius
the cylinder mesh

◆ distortByPerlinNoise()

coat.Mesh.distortByPerlinNoise ( self,
float noise_degree,
float noise_scale,
bool anisotropic = False,
int seed = 0 )

distort the mesh by the Perlin noise

noise_degreethe degree of the noise
noise_scalethe scale of the noise
anisotropicif false, the noise will be applied in the direction of the normals, othervice the noise directed in random direction regardless the normals
seedthe seed for the noise

◆ ensureMaterialsAndObjectsExist()

coat.Mesh.ensureMaterialsAndObjectsExist ( self)

ensure that at least one material and one object exist in the mesh

◆ expandOpenEdges()

list coat.Mesh.expandOpenEdges ( self,
float distance )

extrude open edges of the mesh

distancethe distance to extrude
s the list of extruded edges, even is the start vertex, odd is the end vertex

◆ extrudeOpenEdges()

list coat.Mesh.extrudeOpenEdges ( self,
float distance,
vec3 direction = vec3.Zero )

extrude open edges of the mesh

distancethe distance to extrude
directionthe extrude direction, if zero , the direction is the local vertex normal
s the list of extruded edges, even is the start vertex, odd is the end vertex

◆ facesCount()

int coat.Mesh.facesCount ( self)

returns the faces amount

the amount

◆ fromPaintRoom()

coat.Mesh.fromPaintRoom ( self)

get the mesh from the paint room

◆ fromReducedVolume()

coat.Mesh.fromReducedVolume ( self,
Volume v,
float reduction_percent,
bool with_subtree = False,
bool all_selected = False )

extract the mesh from the volume and reduce it by the given percent

vthe source volume
reduction_percent0 means no reduction, 100 means 100% reduction, i.e. the mesh will be reduced to a single triangle
with_subtreeif true, the subtree will be extracted, otherwise the single volume taken
all_selectedif true, all selected volumes will be extracted, otherwise only the current volume

◆ fromRetopo()

coat.Mesh.fromRetopo ( self)

take the whole mesh from the retopo room

◆ fromVolume()

coat.Mesh.fromVolume ( self,
Volume v,
bool with_subtree = False,
bool all_selected = False )

extract the mesh from the volume

vthe source volume
with_subtreeif true, the subtree will be extracted, otherwise the single volume taken
all_selectedif true, all selected volumes will be extracted, otherwise only the current volume

◆ fromVolumeWithMaxPolycount()

coat.Mesh.fromVolumeWithMaxPolycount ( self,
Volume v,
int max_polycount,
bool with_subtree = False,
bool all_selected = False )

extract the mesh from the volume and reduce to the given polycount

vthe source volume
max_polycountthe required polycount
with_subtreeif true, the subtree will be extracted, otherwise the single volume taken
all_selectedif true, all selected volumes will be extracted, otherwise only the current volume

◆ getBounds()

boundbox coat.Mesh.getBounds ( self)

get the mesh bound box

the bound box

◆ getCenterMass()

vec3 coat.Mesh.getCenterMass ( self)

calculate the center mass of the mesh

the center mass of the surface

◆ getFaceMaterial()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceMaterial ( self,
int faceIndex )

get the material index over the face, see the getMaterialsCount(), getMaterialName()

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
the material index

◆ getFaceNormal()

vec3 coat.Mesh.getFaceNormal ( self,
int face )

get the face normal

facethe face index
the face normal

◆ getFaceNormalVertex()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceNormalVertex ( self,
int faceIndex,
int faceVertexIndex )

get the normal vertex index over the face

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
faceVertexIndexthe index of the vertex within the face, should be in [0..getFaceVertsCount(faceIndex) - 1]
the normal vertex index, -1 if no normals over the face

◆ getFaceObject()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceObject ( self,
int faceIndex )

get the object index over the face, see the getObjectsCount(), getObjectName()

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
the object index

◆ getFaceSquare()

float coat.Mesh.getFaceSquare ( self,
int face )

get the squareof the face

facethe face index
the square

◆ getFaceUVSquare()

float coat.Mesh.getFaceUVSquare ( self,
int face )

get the face square in UV space

facethe face index
the square

◆ getFaceUvVertex()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceUvVertex ( self,
int faceIndex,
int faceVertexIndex )

get the UV vertex index over the face

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
faceVertexIndexthe index of the vertex within the face, should be in [0..getFaceVertsCount(faceIndex) - 1]
the UV vertex index, -1 if no UVs over the face

◆ getFaceUvVerts()

list coat.Mesh.getFaceUvVerts ( self,
int face )

get the list of UV vertices indices over the face

facethe face index
the list of UV vertices indices

◆ getFaceUvVertsCount()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceUvVertsCount ( self,
int face )

get the amount of UV vertices over the face

facethe face index
amount of vertices over the face, 0 if UV-s not assigned

◆ getFaceVertex()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceVertex ( self,
int faceIndex,
int faceVertexIndex )

get the positional vertex index over the face

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
faceVertexIndexthe index of the vertex within the face, should be in [0..getFaceVertsCount(faceIndex) - 1]
the positional vertex index

◆ getFaceVerts()

list coat.Mesh.getFaceVerts ( self,
int face )

get the list of UV vertex indices over the face, pay attention UV vertices are not same as position vertices

facethe face index
the list of vertex indices

◆ getFaceVertsCount()

int coat.Mesh.getFaceVertsCount ( self,
int face )

get the amount of vertices over the face

facethe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
the verts amount

◆ getLengthAlongDirection()

float coat.Mesh.getLengthAlongDirection ( self,
vec3 dir )

get the mesh size along some axis

dirthe axis direction
the size along the axis

◆ getMaterialName()

str coat.Mesh.getMaterialName ( self,
int idx )

get the name of the material

idxthe material index
the name

◆ getMaterialsCount()

int coat.Mesh.getMaterialsCount ( self)

get the materials count in the mesh

the count

◆ getMaterialTexture()

str coat.Mesh.getMaterialTexture ( self,
int idx,
int texture_layer )

get the texture name of the material

idxthe material index
texture_layerthe texture layer, 0 - color, 1 - gloss, 2 - bump/displacement, 3 - normalmap, 4 - specular color, 5 - emossive (color), 6 - emissive power
the texture path (full or relative to 3DCoat documents folder)

◆ getMeshNormals()

list coat.Mesh.getMeshNormals ( self)

get the list of all normal vertices of the mesh

the list of vec3

◆ getMeshUVs()

list coat.Mesh.getMeshUVs ( self)

get the list of all UV vertices of the mesh

the list of vec2

◆ getMeshVertices()

list coat.Mesh.getMeshVertices ( self)

get the list of all positional vertices of the mesh

the list of vec3

◆ getObjectName()

str coat.Mesh.getObjectName ( self,
int idx )

get the name of the object

idxthe object index
the name

◆ getObjectsCount()

int coat.Mesh.getObjectsCount ( self)

returns the objects count in the mesh

the count

◆ getOpenEdges()

list coat.Mesh.getOpenEdges ( self)

get the list of open edges

the list of open edges, the even is the start vertex, the odd is the end vertex

◆ getOpenSurfaceVolume()

float coat.Mesh.getOpenSurfaceVolume ( self,
vec3 start,
vec3 dir )

calculate the volume even if the mesh is not closed, in this case we define plane that limits the integration

startthe point on that plane
dirthe normalized vector, normal to the plane
the volume

◆ getSquare()

float coat.Mesh.getSquare ( self)

get square of the mesh

the square (area)

◆ getVertex()

vec3 coat.Mesh.getVertex ( self,
int idx )

get the vertex coordinate

idxthe vertex index
the coordinate

◆ getVertexNormal()

vec3 coat.Mesh.getVertexNormal ( self,
int idx )

get the normal of the vertex, pay attention position verts and normal verts are different, they have different indices

idxthe normal vertex index, [0..vertsNormalCount() - 1]
the normal

◆ getVertexUV()

vec2 coat.Mesh.getVertexUV ( self,
int idx )

get the UV coordinate of the vertex, pay attention position verts and UV verts are different, they have different indices

idxthe UV vertex index, [0..vertsUvCount() - 1]
the UV coordinate

◆ getVolume()

float coat.Mesh.getVolume ( self)

get the volume of the mesh

the volume

◆ hexagonal_plane()

Mesh coat.Mesh.hexagonal_plane ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float sizeX = 2,
float sizeY = 2,
int divisionsX = 2,
int divisionsY = 2,
vec3 xAxis = vec3.AxisX,
vec3 yAxis = vec3.AxisY )

create the single-side triangular plane mesh that consists mostly of quasi equally-sided triangles

centerthe center of the plane
sizeXthe plane size along the X-axis
sizeYthe plane size along the Y-axis
divisionsXamount of divisions along the X-axis
divisionsYamount of divisions along the Y-axis
xAxisthe vector of the X-axis
yAxisthe vector of the Y-axis
the hexagonal plane mesh

◆ insertInVolume()

coat.Mesh.insertInVolume ( self,
Volume v,
mat4 transform = mat4.Identity )

insert without boolean operation, if the volume is not in surface mode (volumetric) the boolean ADD will be performed anyway

vthe destination volume
transformthe transform

◆ intersectWithVolume()

coat.Mesh.intersectWithVolume ( self,
Volume v,
mat4 transform = mat4.Identity )

boolean intersection of the mesh with the volume

vthe destination volume
transformthe transform

◆ MakeCopy()

Mesh coat.Mesh.MakeCopy ( self)

◆ plane()

Mesh coat.Mesh.plane ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float sizeX = 2,
float sizeY = 2,
int divisionsX = 2,
int divisionsY = 2,
vec3 xAxis = vec3.AxisX,
vec3 yAxis = vec3.AxisY )

create the single-side plane mesh, the faces normals are put toward the vec3.Cross(xAxis, yAxis)

centerthe center of the plane
sizeXthe plane size along the X-axis
sizeYthe plane size along the Y-axis
divisionsXamount of divisions along the X-axis
divisionsYamount of divisions along the Y-axis
xAxisthe vector of the X-axis
yAxisthe vector of the Y-axis
the plane mesh

◆ Read()

bool coat.Mesh.Read ( self,
str name )

Load the mesh from the file.

namethe filename. May contain full path or relative to the coat's install or documents folder.
true if successful.

◆ reduceToPolycount()

coat.Mesh.reduceToPolycount ( self,
int destination_triangles_count )

reduce the mesh to the given polycount, mesh will be triangulated

destination_triangles_countthe required triangles count, if it is above the existing, nothing happens

◆ relax()

coat.Mesh.relax ( self,
float degree,
bool tangent,
float crease_angle = 180 )

relax the mesh, keep the vertices count

degreethe degree of relax, may be > 1
tangentshould be tangent relax
crease_anglethe crease angle between faces (degrees), if the angle between faces is less than crease_angle, the edge relaxed

◆ removeFaces()

coat.Mesh.removeFaces ( self,
list faces )

remove the set of vertices from the mesh

facesthe list of faces indices to remove

◆ removeMaterial()

coat.Mesh.removeMaterial ( self,
int idx )

remove the material (and corresponding faces) from the mesh

idxthe material index

◆ removeObject()

coat.Mesh.removeObject ( self,
int idx )

remove object from the mesh

idxthe object index

◆ removeUnusedFaces()

coat.Mesh.removeUnusedFaces ( self)

remove all faces that contain zero vertices

◆ removeUnusedObjectsAndMaterials()

coat.Mesh.removeUnusedObjectsAndMaterials ( self)

remove all unused objects and materials

◆ removeUnusedVerts()

coat.Mesh.removeUnusedVerts ( self)

remove all unused vertices

◆ rotateToXYAxis()

coat.Mesh.rotateToXYAxis ( self,
vec3 axisX,
vec3 axisY )

rotate the mesh so that X axis will be aligned with axisX, Y axis will be aligned with axisY

axisXthe new X axis
axisYthe new Y axis

◆ rotateToYZAxis()

coat.Mesh.rotateToYZAxis ( self,
vec3 axisY,
vec3 axisZ )

rotate the mesh so that Y axis will be aligned with axisY, Z axis will be aligned with axisZ

axisYthe new Y axis
axisZthe new Z axis

◆ rotateToZXAxis()

coat.Mesh.rotateToZXAxis ( self,
vec3 axisZ,
vec3 axisX )

rotate the mesh so that Z axis will be aligned with axisZ, X axis will be aligned with axisX

axisZthe new Z axis
axisXthe new X axis

◆ setFaceMaterial()

coat.Mesh.setFaceMaterial ( self,
int faceIndex,
int materialIndex )

set the material index over the face, see the getMaterialsCount(), getMaterialName()

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
materialIndexthe material index to set for the face

◆ setFaceNormalVertex()

coat.Mesh.setFaceNormalVertex ( self,
int faceIndex,
int faceVertexIndex,
int normalVertexIndex )

set the normal vertex index over the face

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
faceVertexIndexthe index of the vertex within the face, should be in [0..getFaceVertsCount(faceIndex) - 1]
normalVertexIndexthe normal vertex index, should be in [0..vertsNormalCount() - 1]

◆ setFaceObject()

coat.Mesh.setFaceObject ( self,
int faceIndex,
int objectIndex )

set the object index for the face, see the getObjectsCount(), getObjectName()

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
objectIndexthe object index to set for the face

◆ setFaceUvVertex()

coat.Mesh.setFaceUvVertex ( self,
int faceIndex,
int faceVertexIndex,
int uvVertexIndex )

set the UV vertex index over the face

faceIndexthe face index, should be in [0..facesCount() - 1]
faceVertexIndexthe index of the vertex within the face, should be in [0..getFaceVertsCount(faceIndex) - 1]
uvVertexIndexthe UV vertex index, should be in [0..vertsUvCount() - 1]

◆ setFaceVerts()

coat.Mesh.setFaceVerts ( self,
int face,
list vertices )

set the list of positional vertex indices over the face

facethe face index
verticesthe list of vertex indices

◆ setMaterialName()

coat.Mesh.setMaterialName ( self,
int idx,
str name )

set material name

idxthe material index
namethe new name

◆ setMaterialTexture()

coat.Mesh.setMaterialTexture ( self,
int idx,
int texture_layer,
str texture_path )

set the texture layer filename of the material

idxthe material index
texture_layerthe texture layer, 0 - color, 1 - gloss, 2 - bump/displacement, 3 - normalmap, 4 - specular color, 5 - emossive (color), 6 - emissive power
texture_paththe texture path (full or relative to 3DCoat documents folder)

◆ setMeshFaces()

coat.Mesh.setMeshFaces ( self,
list faces )

set the complete list of faces for the mesh

facesthe format of faces is:
amount_ot_vets_in_face1, vertex1_face1, vertex2_face1...vertexN-1_face1,
amount_ot_vets_in_face2, vertex1_face2, vertex2_face2...

◆ setMeshNormals()

coat.Mesh.setMeshNormals ( self,
list normals )

set the list of all normal vertices for the mesh

normalsthe list of normals (vec3)

◆ setMeshUVs()

coat.Mesh.setMeshUVs ( self,
list uvs )

set the list of all UV vertices for the mesh

uvsthe list of UVs (vec2)

◆ setMeshVertices()

coat.Mesh.setMeshVertices ( self,
list positions )

set the list of all positional vertices for the mesh

positionsthe list of positions

◆ setObjectName()

coat.Mesh.setObjectName ( self,
int idx,
str name )

set object name

idxthe object index
namethe new name

◆ setVertex()

coat.Mesh.setVertex ( self,
int idx,
vec3 v )

set the vertex coordinate

idxthe vertex index
vthe coordinate

◆ setVertexNormal()

coat.Mesh.setVertexNormal ( self,
int idx,
vec3 v )

set the normal of the vertex, pay attention position verts and normal verts are different, they have different indices

idxthe normal vertex index, [0..vertsNormalCount() - 1]
vthe normal

◆ setVertexUV()

coat.Mesh.setVertexUV ( self,
int idx,
vec2 v )

set the UV coordinate of the vertex, pay attention position verts and UV verts are different, they have different indices

idxthe UV vrertex index, [0..vertsUvCount() - 1]
vthe UV coordinate

◆ shell()

coat.Mesh.shell ( self,
float thickness_out,
float thickness_in,
int divisions = 1 )

add some thickness to the mesh (intrude a bit)

thickness_outthe thickness in the outer direction (extrusion)
thickness_inthe thickness in the inner direction (intrusion)
divisionsthe amount of divisions of the edge

◆ sphere()

Mesh coat.Mesh.sphere ( vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
float radius = 1.0,
float detail_size = 1 )

create the sphere mesh

centerthe sphere center
radiusthe sphere radius
detail_sizethe average length of the edge over the figure. The figure will be divided so that edges length will be approximately the detail_size
the sphere mesh

◆ splitDisconnectedParts()

list coat.Mesh.splitDisconnectedParts ( self)

split the mesh into disconnected parts

the list of meshes

◆ subtractFromVolume()

coat.Mesh.subtractFromVolume ( self,
Volume v,
mat4 transform = mat4.Identity )

boolean subtraction of the mesh from the volume

vthe destination volume
transformthe transform

◆ symmetry()

coat.Mesh.symmetry ( self,
vec3 start,
vec3 NormalDirection,
bool resultInQuads )

apply symmetry to the mesh

startthe start point of the plane
NormalDirectionthe negative part (regarding the plane normal) of the mesh is removed, replaced with positive part
resultInQuadsthe cut faces will produce quads instead of triangles

◆ text()

Mesh coat.Mesh.text ( str string,
str font = "tahoma",
float height = 10.0,
vec3 center = vec3.Zero,
vec3 text_direction = vec3.AxisX,
vec3 text_normal = vec3.AxisY,
float thickness = 1,
int align = 1 )

Create the text mesh.

stringthe text string
fontthe font name
heightthe text height
centerthe text center
text_directionthe text direction left to right
text_normalthe normal direction of the text
thicknessthe thickness of the text
alignthe text align, 0 - left, 1 - center, 2 - right
the text mesh

◆ toVolume()

coat.Mesh.toVolume ( self,
Volume v,
mat4 transform = mat4.Identity,
BoolOpType op = BoolOpType.BOOL_MERGE )

merge this mesh to the volume object

vthe destination volume
transformthe applied transformation
opthe boolean operation to be performed, -1 means no operation, raw merge, 0 - 1, 1 - subtract, 2 - intersect

◆ transform()

coat.Mesh.transform ( self,
mat4 transform )

transform the mesh

transformthe transformation matrix

◆ triangulate()

coat.Mesh.triangulate ( self)

triangulate the mesh

◆ unifyAllObjects()

coat.Mesh.unifyAllObjects ( self,
str name = "" )

unify all objects in the mesh, i.e.

make one object

namethe name of the new object, if empty, the name of the first object will be used

◆ valid()

bool coat.Mesh.valid ( self)

Check if mesh is valid.

true if mesh is valid

◆ vertsCount()

int coat.Mesh.vertsCount ( self)

returns the amount of verts in the mesh

the amount

◆ vertsNormalCount()

int coat.Mesh.vertsNormalCount ( self)

returns the amount of normal - verts in the mesh

teh amount

◆ vertsUvCount()

int coat.Mesh.vertsUvCount ( self)

returns the amount of UV - verts in the mesh

the amount

◆ weld()

coat.Mesh.weld ( self,
float minimal_relative_distance = 0.0001 )

weld the mesh, remove all vertices that are closer than minimal_relative_distance*mesh_bound_box_diagonal to each other

minimal_relative_distancethe minimal distance between vertices, relative to the mesh bound box diagonal

◆ Write()

bool coat.Mesh.Write ( self,
str name )

Save the mesh to file.

nameFull or relative path
true if successful

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