3DCoat Python API
The 3DCoat Python API documentation.
No Matches

Cut the current object inte random pieces.

Cut the current object inte random pieces

1import random
2import coat
3from coat import vec3
4from coat import Mesh
6# we take the current volume
7v = coat.Scene.current().Volume()
8m = Mesh()
9# we create the mesh from the volume
12# the mesh bound box
13bb = m.getBounds()
14# the center of the bound box
15center = bb.GetCenter()
17# if mesh is empty, we warn
18if m.facesCount() == 0 :
19 coat.dialog().ok().text("Please select any non-trivial surface-based volume.").show()
21 #the meshes list, initially we put there the original mesh
22 meshes = [m]
23 # function to find the biggest piece, we estimate by the boud box diagonal
24 def biggest() :
25 biggest=0
26 mbest=meshes[0]
27 for mesh in meshes:
28 b = mesh.getBounds()
29 if not b.IsEmpty():
30 L = b.GetDiagonal()
31 if (L > biggest) :
32 biggest = L
33 mbest = mesh
34 return mbest
36 # in cycle we find the biggest piece and cut it in the middle by the random plane
37 for i in range(16) :
38 m0 = biggest()
39 bb = m0.getBounds()
40 m1 = m0.MakeCopy()
41 nn = vec3.RandNormal()
42 m0.cutByPlane(bb.GetCenter(), nn)
43 m1.cutByPlane(bb.GetCenter(), -nn)
44 meshes.append(m1)
46 # clear the initial object
47 v.clear()
48 # merge meshes one-by-one
49 for ms in meshes :
50 # we want to push the mesh out of the center
51 bb_center = ms.getBounds().GetCenter()
52 bb_center -= center
53 bb_center *= 0.1
54 # transform the mesh (translate), you may add random rotation to improve the effect
55 ms.transform(coat.mat4.Translation(bb_center))
56 v.mergeMesh(ms)
SceneElement current()
returns the current sculpt object
Definition coat.py:2839
Definition coat.py:3433
mat4 Translation(X=float, Y=float)
Definition coat.py:602