3DCoat Python API
The 3DCoat Python API documentation.
No Matches

Break the current volume with realistic cracks.

Break the current volume with realistic cracks

1import random
2import coat
3from coat import vec3
4from coat import Mesh
6# we take the current volume
7v = coat.Scene.current().Volume()
8m = Mesh()
9# we create the mesh from the volume
11global_center = m.getCenterMass()
12# initial mesh size
13initial_mesh_scale = m.getBounds().GetDiagonal() / 2.0
14# the scale of the Perlin noise
15noise_scale = initial_mesh_scale / 3.0
17# the class to edit and store the parameters
18class Cuts:
19 def __init__(self):
20 self.Cuts = 16
21 self.ExplodingDegree = 1.0
22 self.RandomShuffle = 1.0
23 self.RandomRotation = 4.0
24 self.NoiseDegree = 100.0
25 self.NoiseScale = 100.0
26 def ui(self):
27 return [
28 'Cuts,[1,100]',
29 'ExplodingDegree,[0,100]',
30 'RandomShuffle,[0,100]',
31 'RandomRotation,[0,90]',
32 'NoiseDegree,[0,500]',
33 'NoiseScale,[0,500]'
34 ]
36# if mesh is empty, we warn
37if m.facesCount() == 0 :
38 coat.dialog().ok().text("Please select any non-trivial surface-based volume.").show()
40 param = Cuts()
41 # restore the parameters from the file
42 coat.io.fromJsonFile(param, "data/Temp/Cuts.json")
43 # the dialog to enter the parameters
44 if coat.dialog().ok().cancel().params(param).text("Please enter the amount of cuts, exploding degree, noise parameters:").show() == 1 :
45 # save the parameters to the file
46 coat.io.toJson(param, "data/Temp/Cuts.json")
47 # the scale of the Perlin noise
48 noise_scale *= param.NoiseScale / 100.0
49 #the meshes list, initially we put there the original mesh
50 meshes = [m]
51 # function to find the biggest piece approximately and randomly, we estimate by the mesh square
52 def biggest_mesh() :
53 num = len(meshes)
54 # take the random mesh as the biggest
55 mbest=index = random.randint(0, num-1)
56 # calculate the square of the mesh
57 biggest = meshes[mbest].getSquare()
58 # sevearal times we take the random mesh and compare the square
59 for i in range(3):
60 index = random.randint(0, num-1)
61 mesh = meshes[index]
62 square = mesh.getSquare()
63 if square > biggest :
64 biggest = square
65 mbest = index
66 # we remove the biggest mesh from the list and return it
67 return meshes.pop(mbest)
69 # in cycle we find the approximatelt biggest piece and cut it in the middle by the random screwed plane
70 for i in range(param.Cuts) :
71 coat.io.progressBar(i, param.Cuts, "Cutting the mesh...")
72 m0 = biggest_mesh()
73 m1 = m0.MakeCopy()
74 bestN = vec3.RandNormal()
75 # we find the best direction to cut the mesh
76 best_len = m0.getLengthAlongDirection(bestN)
77 for j in range(20) :
78 dir = vec3.RandNormal()
79 axis_length = m0.getLengthAlongDirection(dir)
80 # if the length is bigger than the previous one, we take it as the best
81 if(axis_length > best_len) :
82 best_len = axis_length
83 bestN = coat.vec3(dir)
85 # we cut the mesh by the plane at it's center mass
86 center = m0.getCenterMass()
87 N0 = m0.vertsCount()
88 degree = noise_scale*0.1*param.NoiseDegree/100.0
89 m0.cutByDistortedPlane(center, bestN, degree, noise_scale, 0)
90 N1 = m0.vertsCount()
91 # if vertices count changes, the mesh was cut successfully
92 if N1 != N0 :
93 m1.cutByDistortedPlane(center, -bestN, -degree, noise_scale, 0)
94 meshes0 = m0.splitDisconnectedParts()
95 meshes1 = m1.splitDisconnectedParts()
96 meshes.extend(meshes0)
97 meshes.extend(meshes1)
98 else :
99 # if the mesh was not cut, we return it back to the list
100 meshes.append(m0)
102 # clear the initial object
103 v.clear()
104 # merge meshes one-by-one
105 for ms in meshes :
106 # we want to push the mesh out of the center
107 mesh_center = ms.getCenterMass()
108 shift = vec3(mesh_center)
109 shift -= global_center
110 shift *= param.ExplodingDegree / 100.0
111 shift += vec3.RandNormal() * param.RandomShuffle * initial_mesh_scale / 100.0
112 # transform the mesh (translate), you may add random rotation to improve the effect
113 ms.transform(coat.mat4.Translation(shift))
114 ms.transform(coat.mat4.RotationAt(mesh_center, vec3.RandNormal(), random.uniform(-param.RandomRotation, param.RandomRotation)))
115 v.mergeMesh(ms)
SceneElement current()
returns the current sculpt object
Definition coat.py:2839
Definition coat.py:3433
progressBar(stage=float, max_stage=float, message=str)
Show the progress bar.
Definition coat.py:3735
fromJsonFile(obj=Any, filename=str)
Restore the object from the json file.
Definition coat.py:3847
str toJson(obj=Any, filename=str)
Store the object to the file or string as json.
Definition coat.py:3842
mat4 RotationAt(Orig=vec2, Angle=float)
Definition coat.py:612
mat4 Translation(X=float, Y=float)
Definition coat.py:602
Definition coat.py:148