Fri Sep 20 20:14:57 2024

- Fixed problems of Textures->Adjust->Sharpen for sculpt objects, also fixed problem of gloss destruction with that command.

- The RAW voxels export/import (useful to bring voxel to any your own engine) improved, now it may export import PBR data (color, gloss, metal). This is important because this is the only way to get this sort of raw information out of 3DCoat.

- Fixed problems of stamp mode for voxel painting.

- Fixed crash in materials thumbnails over voxels

- Fixed slowdown in Wrap tool

- Fixed numerical edit box size

Thu Aug 22 21:46:12 2024

- Fixed various problems related to Shapes palette - add/remove EPS, thumbnails, etc...

- Text input dialogs size adjusted to work correctly.

- The color picker style kept in preferences.

- Fixed the painting depth problem with lasso over UV window

- Render room resets the render if you change the layer state (opacity, visibility etc) or any other state that changes the look of the object.

- Reset of the scrollers positions in new scene.

- The new option "Extended edge loops" in the edge tools tool (uv/retopo) - useful if ou have "approximate" edgeloops and need to mark seams. Super useful for making seams over triangular mesh.

- More stable, less strict GU unfolding.

- Fixed problem of VoxExtrude in voxel mode when you select area with the lasso

- Fixed performance problems when you collapse boolean subtree with volxel color.

- Blender AppLink got own repository (https://github.com/AndrewShpagin/io-coat3d) , all approved changes there will appear in the 3DCoat's build.

- python: symm.disableGlobally(), symm.enableGlobally()

- Fixed problems related to symmetry and auto-export

- The command "Sculpt->Geometry->Make all uniform" makes all visible volumes uniform.

Mon Jul 29 21:32:01 2024

- Blender AppLink fixed (for 4.2)

- Fixed major problems when some customers was not able to run 3DCoat. This happened due to Visual Studio update that happened after the Windows reinstall. Newer version broken all. It took several days of hard work to understand the reason of that strange problem.

Thu Jul 25 00:14:17 2024

- E-modes that support radius "R" work correctly when angle between lines is small

- Blender 4.2 applink supported

- Isolate subtree restored

- Free form primitives got thickness parameter

- Fixed problem of auto-export (missing export files if user preliminary disabled objects export in export dialog by mistake)

- The scene save time for big sculpt scenes (with big objects tree) decreased drastically.

Tue Jul 16 13:25:32 2024

- Fixed problem of duplication of shapes when you switch new folder

- Move tool works correctly with the "Through all volumes" and symmetry.

- Slider instead of the input box in the surface->voxels conversion dialog.

- Fixed problem when click in the fill tool leads to the pen radius change.

- Fixed possible hang when you draw over UV window with a small radius brush.

- The direct export of the scene to Bambu studio supported from the File->3D printing. The Bamboo Carbon X1 is my current 3D printer (really the best), so I included the direct support.

- Autopo: if several objects selected, only visible are auto-retoped to avoid retopo objects loss.

- Fixed bug in scale master: only visible objects scaled

- Fix "Transparent controls under macOS 13"

- Fixed crash in retopo/strokes tool

- Fixed problem when the current tool in retopo room (or any other) becomes the sculpt based tool, and you see no retopo mesh due to this.

- Fixed layer mask issue when it becomes invisible and can't be made visible (you see warning about invisible layer when click on the mask)

- Fixed problem when you delete the layer and the linked layer deleted as well. The linked layer deleted only if it is the pure mask and and is not visible in layers tree.

- Fixed isolate + multiple undo problem when you unable to get back with ALT+eye. Also the isolation now means isolation of one object, without the children.

Tue Jul 2 12:21:16 2024

- Fixed performance problem in the previous build (happened to VS 2022 internal errors)

Fri Jun 28 20:58:00 2024

- Fixed several problems related to alphas - adding folder, different scale of preview and the applied alpha, correct estimation of the active radius, transparency outside the images used as alphas.

- VoxLayer tool troubleshoot message: if users set too thin layer and needs voxels, the resulting mesh may be really huge, so we warn the user if that happens and the mesh is expected to be > 8M.

- The rectangle, square or shape modes in E-panel may expand from the center if need, there is new option in the E-panel. You may assign the hotkey if need.

- Fixed problem when ALT+eye (isolation) info may be lost and after isolation and series of undo you need to restore visibility manually.

- Keeping the vertex order in retopo/modeling exporter whenever topology not changed.

- Correct alphas folder storing within the preset

- Tweak room tools moved to the Paint room, the tweak room removed.

Thu Jun 13 10:14:47 2024

- New option "Edit->Prefs->Tools->Don't group vertices per objects in OBJ files (like ZB)" for vetter compatibility when you need to keep the vertex order in OBJ files. Anyway, Coat preserver vertices order, but in some case it is not enough, and vertices should not be grouped. In this case you need his option.

- Noise tool works for volumes in multires/proxy mode

- Click on the visibility/ghost icon of the the selected object shows/hides/ghosts all selected, not just one.

- Fixed UI bug when rooms list screwed if there is no enough horizontal space.

- [+] near the sculpt tree object adds object with correct undo, voxels density is same as in the current object.

- Much faster PPP painting over the big faces (that has big amount of pixels inside the single face).

- Fixed the flipped text if you use text tool over the UV

- Under macOS surface mode tools Flatten/Fill/Expand/Inflate/Scratches/Roof pinch are fixed

- It is possible to delete default brushes from any folder. Anyway, at least one of defaults should remain.

- NURBS Room: Surface To Mesh - Bug fixed

- Fixed annoying problem when alpha not stored with some tools.

- tool->rmb->reset to default resets the pen rotation as well

- Python: ui.menu_info

- Important addition! The contour around the selected sculpt objects may be enabled using the Geometry->Render the selection contour. See the settings nearby. This is super important for the multi-object scenes management!

- You may choose what radius should be used to paint in UV texture window - space based (as it is now) and pixel-based (to set brush size in pixels). UI there tweaked as well to fit all that controls properly.

- Fixed problem of Sculpt RMB->Export selected

Fri May 24 08:52:05 2024

- Al Auto-export settings are stored into the scene file (3B), it is convenient if you use it often for different scenes.

- The save file dialog remembers the last used extension, for example, fbx if you chosen the fbx.

- Python: all ui.cmd, ui.set(get)SliderValue may work even if the tool or value is not present in UI in current room but globally accessible. The command ui.presentInUI

- Multiple improvements for the auto-export: (1) fixed problem when textures are while; (2) option to merge all into single object/texture; (3) Option to remove redundant layers; (4) same decimation quality for autoexport and regular export; (5) fixed problems when symmetry enabled; (6) Up to 99.9% decimation support.

- Visual feedback when you select objects with rectangle in the sculpt/transform tool.

- Python API: coat.Scene.layerIsEmpty, coat.Scene.removeEmptyLayers, coat.ui.toRoom added parameter - Force

- Folder selection dialog replaced with the more convenient one, similar to the file open dialog.

- Connective (topologically constrained) painting works for voxels as well.

- In freeze and paint tools the topological constraints may be enabled for paint and surface objects. The Volume/Connective droplist at the top removed due to redundancy.

Sat May 4 22:16:29 2024

- Retopo via decimation works for all selected objects, each selected object will be retopo-ed into the separate group.

- The option in Preferences, Tools to be able to export sculpt scene with just single material instead of one material per object.

- Fixed problem of Live booleans collapse and Scale Master.

- RMB->Export selected objects supports Live Booleans correctly.

- You may drag&drop multiple selected volumes.

- Big! Easy access to Photogrammetry! Integration with Reality Capture!

- Fixed the "Change parent" problem when one volume does not change the parent.

- New sculpt layers management possibility: Sculpt RMB -> Merge / Move -> Merge Selected / Merge Selected (no booleans)

- The Python class `coat.settings` updated: possibility to list all settings, access to settings using the UI ID or English text, all settings, exposed via preferences are now available.

- Restored the system that auto-takes the translation/corrections from the approved users. If you do important corrections, support some language but your texts are not appearing in new builds, please write to andrew.sh@pilgway.com

- Fixed problem of baking after you modified the voxel object as surface and then tried to bake immediately. Now object voxelized before baking.

Sat Apr 20 21:39:05 2024

- Fixed possible crash when you import EPS file.

- If you defined the "COAT_FSERVER" environment variable then usual licensing will not work, only local network/fserver will be the source of the license. So, if by some reason license does not work, please check if this variable is not declared or if declared - it should be declared correctly, as the server_ip:port.

- Fixed the vertex PBR export problem (strange grid) when you export from the voxel mode to Blender via AppLink (in surface mode it worked correctly).

- There is option "Accurate triangles" in auto-export dialog to choose the triangulation style. Also, you may choose the exact export polycount there (as well as in the retopo via decimation).

- Fixed FBX import problem (scale was broken if there are multiple objects), it is especially important for the Blender AppLink.

- The objects with sharp edges (split normals) correctly loaded into the sculpt room, tiny edge created to keep it sharp.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Option "Relax Sharp Edges" is added

- The render access via the Python, scripted access to render may be very helpful, example included.

- Retopo-> Mesh-> Take mesh from paint room correctly takes objects list as well. Also taking Paint mesh by Python also works correctly.

- Fixed Undo problem when you do multiple copies of the masked layer

- Non-destructive text/curves/picture tools in the paint toolset, now each layer keeps the text/picture/curve setting if applied over the layer. The corresponding icon displayed over the layer.

Sat Apr 6 19:48:09 2024

- 3DCoat tries to locate and update AppLinks even if multiple versions of Blender installed. Also, all install paths maybe checked with python: print(coat.io.listBlenderInstallFolders())

- The paint conditions thumbnail correctly shown in sculpt room, the freeze preview uses gray color, not the current color.

- Python: utils.set, utils.get, menu_item(...) may create menu items that directly execute some script via id = '$execute:path/to/script.py'.

- Fixed problem of "Ignore back faces" for lasso/rectangle selection when the action was still penetrating on the back side through relatively thin shells (and not always so thin).

- Fixed the problem of GLTF export (compatibility with Blender)

- Molding trial extended to June 2024

- Fixed possible crash in new custom menu when the action has no text label

- Symmetry state may be stored/restored from the symmetry dialog

- Fixed problem when open/collapse layers group does not work for masked groups.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Replicator" - Option "Axis X along U" is added

- The hotkey may be assigned to any menu and submenu, so you may quickly trigger it whenever need.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Replicator" - Added the ability to edit parameters after creating and saving an object in a file

Wed Mar 27 11:58:16 2024 +0200

- The hotkey may be assigned to navigation menu and to the custom menu (left nearby). In this case the menu appears under the mouse and you may choose the option quickly.

- Possibility to add own, completely custom, room-dependent menu (with usual commands, scripts, addons, info and other). It is near the navigation icon.

- New unique possiblity of the 3DCoat! The PPP scene with the normalmap name be converted into the true sculpt geometry using the Painting room, `Bake->PaintMath to Sculpt`. So, the reverse workflow is now possible, when you have normal map over the lowpoly mesh, you may get the highpoly source, deeply re-make it and then bake again. For example, you have AI generated rough prototype, you may import into Coat for PPP, then convert to sculpt, re-make it, add details.

- Fixing the difficulty to drag & drop 3DCoat.app bundle under macOS

- Fixed problems with fill when you import ppp mesh with "Triangulation" turned ON.

- Better support of Python in rooms customization, now Python may be used to create the menu, navigation, toolset, rmb actions instead of cpp.

- The essential update of the Blender App Link: (1) Sculpt mesh may be dropped directly to Blender with vertex color, roughness and metallicity. The corresponding nodes structure created. (2) The scale correctly preserved when you pass the mesh between 3DCoat and Blender. (3) Blender may drop sculpt mesh to 3DCoat with vertex color.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Replicator" - Option added "Objects merge as Boolean"

- Nurbs Room: A new tool "Ruled Surface" Added

- "File->Import->Import for vertex painting" may recover the geometry from the normalmap over the mesh. Also, mesh may be additionally subdivided if it's density is less than the texture density. So, it opens new workflow: say, you used some service (say AI service) to make a prototype, then imported it to 3DCao, detailed it with texture (applying non-trivial topolgy changes if need). Also, the "Painting->Bake" menu actions cleaned for good understanding what it does.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: InSet Tool - Bug fixed

- Sculpt Room: tool "Replicator" - Improved mesh generation. More uniform pitch

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - Improvement the working with Normals of the Surface.

- Flat subdivision as option to Catmull-Clark subdivision in PPP import dialog.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - Improvement of Slice Sections and corrected Align of Slice

Fri Mar 8 21:57:04 2024 +0200

- The Scripts->Show commands logs shows the recent actions written as the set of ui.cmd(...) sequences with comments. This helps to write scripts.

- (Updated) Now each action in UI (except strokes actions, gizmo transforms and) recorded as the correctly executable Python script (including correct modal dialog callbacks). It simplifies the scripts development a lot! Soon it will transform into the complete actions recorder (as soon as all actions will be captured).

- Fixed problem in Transform tool when you can't unselect the current volume among several selected with CTRL and rectangle.

- Masks improvements: Layers->Copy channels includes copy to mask layer; "Invert mask" in RMB menu over the mask. Also, each layer (non-masked) may be assigned as the mask for another layer. And the mask layer may be separated just as regular layer (it will stop the masking for the parent layer). All that functionality included into the Python API.

- Fixed problem with "Slide edges": Sliding vertices now snap correctly when moving along an edge loop.

- Fixed problem when after the File->Open the filename does not appear in the header.

- The AI knowledge database is completely automated, updating whenever any text changes or a new tool appears, as soon as a valid hint is provided. Additionally, all new functions in the Python API automatically appear in the AI database.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - the Jitter is improved. The position of the model on the surface has been improved.

- User-friendly and pretty hints when you make the scripts with the Python API (.pyi files syntax updated).

- If you start to paint over the island in the UV window with a steady stroke, then move out of the island to the empty space, the stroke continues correctly.

- Fixed crash in Autoexport python example

- The material preview window may be permanently closed, if you want to restore, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Viewport -> Hide material thumbnail

- UI visual corrections: bigger header and close button for undocked panels (like tool parameters), menu headers.

- The eraser acts in Rect/lasso mode with the CTRL key in paint tools if the depth channel is disabled, similar to regular paint tools.

- PPP texturing speed improvements, it is especially visible on huge resolution (8-16K), when you change whole layer (like opacity) or essential part of the layer (big brush).

Tue Feb 27 21:13:18 2024 +0200

- Pyton API: coat.ui.highlight, enablePenChannel, isEnabledPenChannel

- Crash reports fixed (actually not many there)

- In the transform/instance tools the rectangle/lasso selection allowed - it selects objects within the area, CTRL/SHIFT modifiers allowed.

- Fixed problem of the UV set name change

Mon Feb 26 22:06:00 2024 +0200

- Fixed fonts issue in 3DCoat Textura/Print

- The knowledge about all UI elements in 3DCoat included into the AI database, it makes it much smarter. Also knowledge how to trigger UI items programmatically also included into the database, so it is smarter in Python programming as well. This is automated system that discovers UI and adds the knowledge to database.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - crash fixed for using Scale graph

Sun Feb 25 23:50:31 2024 +0200

- Fixed possible lag/freeze in sculpt smooth tool when radius is almost zero.

- Correct "Apply layer mask and blending" in all modes - ppp/mv/sculpt

- Fixed Vox layer problem: surface is now created after undo.

- Fixed recent python scripting problems (local scope), included more information in documentation regarding bigger projects, modules reloading.

- The duplicate icon below the Sculpt Tree duplicates selected items and selects the duplicates.

- Addons included into regular File->Create extensions

Sat Feb 24 13:44:36 2024 +0200

- Fixed disappeared font issue.

Fri Feb 23 22:29:16 2024 +0200

- Python corrections: showPythonConsole() brings the console forward, each python script run gets fresh context, corrections in the examples.

- Fixed fonts problems (different size for lanin and Chinese/Japanese characters), some symbols missing.

Thu Feb 22 22:22:52 2024 +0200

- Fixed problem when new tools (sometimes) does not appear when you install the update. Of course, if you created own custom room, you need to add new tools there manually (looking at the script).

- Fixed importing textures with MV approach and multiple uv-sets.

- Sticky keys may be turned off in Preferences->General

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - added possibility of working with Low Poly Mesh instead of Surface

- Python API updated - layers operations, perlin noise for meshes, splitting with curved plane, more examples.

- The Addons system introduced to connect scripts developers and users. It allows easy sharing the scripts, providing instructions, funding information (if the author needs it). Several useful examples included, for example, the realistic destruction with random cracks.

- Fixed problems of navigation hotkeys and incremental render.

- A bit more consistency - there was problem that in paint tools in Sculpt room the paint objects are visible and paint-able upon the "Show paint objects in sculpt room" is turned off.

- Fixed double color picker problem in paint room.

- Font display module updated, better readability, correct spacing, better initial scale. Customizing fonts produces better looking result as well.

Sat Feb 17 21:25:45 2024 +0200

- Autosaved scenes now stored as _autosave.3B in your folder's scene to avoid overwriting from different scenes and sessions. As soon as you load something like _autosaveN.3b, it gets name _recovered.3b in scene to prevent overwriting by newer autosaves.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - Multithreading added

- Small ui corrections, including possibility to assign hotkeys to plane definition buttons, volume polycount for invisible volumes etc...

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - added Scaling Jitter

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - added Move model Jitter

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - added Axial Rotation Jitter

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - added possibility Using splines from the scene for building the surface

- Fixed vertex baking issue (and related).

- Correct implementation of masks and clip layers, link with Photoshop supports masks and clipping layers.

- Sculpt Room: tool "Multiple objects" - the AutoScale is improved.

- Sculpt Room: Improvement of the tool "Multiple objects". Added the ability to work with multiple layers.

- Sculpt Room: Improvement of the tool "Multiple objects" and bug fixed.

- Mask over layer applied correctly, color and transparency correctly use as if mask is gray-scale.

- Sculpt Room: A new tool "Multiple objects" Added

Tue Feb 6 17:55:12 2024 +0200

- Layers masks implemented, very familiar UI for that)

- Fixed problems of Array/Bend Volume - pick volume and Update mesh was not working, ned button there - "Same normals and radius".

- "Create clipping mask" in the layer RMB properties to mask the layer by the layer below.

- Fixed problem of camera undo and brush radius.

- AI assistant (3DCoat's specialized Chat GPT) and the UI color scheme toggle placed into the start menu.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Cap - Bug fixed

Tue Jan 30 22:00:11 2024 +0200

- Activity bar optionally (see Preferences->Theme) may be vertical or horizontal (as before).

- Button within the view gizmo to be able to undo the navigation.

- Navigation Undo/Redo in the camera menu. By default it is ALT-Z, ALT-Y. Now it is easy to return to the previous view. For example, you work with specially aligned projection and need to look from other side and then return to that view.

- Python API for the camera management, Top/Left/Front ... views tweaked to move camera gradually, not instantly.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: The Cap tool is modified. More patterns added

- The View Gizmo introduced. It can be turned off in settings.

- Modeling Room: Some simplifications of the smart extrude tool

- For the tool, a surface of revolution, the ability to select the X/Y/Z axes as the axis of rotation has been added

Tue Jan 23 17:51:00 2024 +0200

- The "Mtl. History" window got icon size menu.

- Fixed problem of overlapping of the activity controls and other dialogs.

- Roll left/right on fixed angle is in navigation panel now. You may assign hotkey (as usual) or re-assign the step angle via RMB over the control.

- Items in Sculpt tree may show density or polycount, it is optional, just press RMB->Settings.

- Color swatch size in paint room limited because sometimes it becomes huge if left panel is wide.

- Fixed problem that the brush preset does not store the rotation angle value.

- Correct rendering objects in just color/relief/gloss mode in the Render room.

- The option is added : Hide the gizmo When CTRL/SHIFT pressed in Retopo->Select&transform

- Modeling Room: Bug fix of the tool "Edge Flow"

- Visual appearance improvements - spacing, correct round and sharp frame borders docking.

- Modeling Room: Improvement of the tool "Edge Flow". Arcs are modified if the degree of curvature is edited.

- Modeling Room: Bug fixed of the "Bridge Tool"

- UI tweaks against controls crowding.

- Fixed hotkeys definition bug.

- Bridge Tool is little polished

- Retopo/Modeling Room: For tool "Slide Edges" Restored the possibility to do Slide by RMB

Thu Jan 18 21:38:25 2024 +0200

- Spacing added to activity bar

- Modeling Room: Bug fixed of the "Bridge Tool"

- In 3DCoat 2024 the default location of documents changed to User/Documents/3DCoat/. Previously, if OneDrive installed it was the default documents: User/OneDrive/Documents/3DCoat. It caused multiple problems and strange bugs due to files locking, failed attempts to sync with the cloud. User files and license copied to the new location automatically. If you don't use OneDrive nothing changes for you.

- Fixed contradiction between vertical Activity bar and all right panels - now it is impossible to activate items from activity bar when you move mouse toward the panels docked at the right. It activates windows only when you hover and stop the mouse over the activity item.

Tue Jan 16 20:40:59 2024 +0200

- All capture possibilities (including the time-lapse) gathered into the "Capture" menu.

- Preset activation bug fixed, alphas folder (sometimes) was not switched to the correct one.

- Layers got the texture preview over the layer (similar to PS and other).

- Fixed the (rare) problem when several selection modes (like vertices and faces) are active simultaneously. Only one mode should be active.

- Multiple UI small tweaks to improve visual appearance.

- Fixed longstanding problem of essential FPS drop after Ambient Occlusion calculation (on heavy scenes)

- Activity bar become vertical and placed under the navigation menu, it is visible only if cursor is near. It gives more space for the controls and makes UI not so heavy..

- "Shapes" window corrected - now it has close button to cancel the shapes mode (not everyone knows that it may be canceled using the E modes panel)

- When CTRL/SHIFT pressed in Retopo->Select&transform the gizmo becomes invisible to simplify additive selection.

- Fixed annoying Modeling/Retopo Select&Transform + CTRL D (unselect) that stops to work sometimes.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of the tool "Select/Transform", Added the init of Axis Gizmo after starting.

- Modeling Room: Degree of curvature added to tool "Slide Edges". Bug fixed of tool "Slide Edges"

- Retopo/Modeling Room: bug fixed of tool "Slide Edges"

Mon Jan 8 15:05:07 2024 +0200

- This is preliminary beta of the 3DCoat 2024

- Export for 3D printing->Export and open in Cura updated to support latest Cura versions.

- Fixed problem when switching to the folder with big amount of presets takes a long time (except first time)

- Search/filter icon in SculptTree, Retopo groups, Layers, Curves tree.

- Modeling Room: New tool "Edge Flow"

- The search/filter icon in any items container (presets, alphas, materials, models etc) to find the item quickly. More UI cleanup - distances, centering, edges rounding and so on. UI elements shapes are now Python-generated (if you want to modify - see data/textures/Frames24/buttons.py)

- UI updated, better looking tabs, buttons, more consistent style.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of tool Bridge

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of tool "Slide Edges"

- Fixed possible instability in retopo/modeling (sometimes happens in select/transform)

- Fixed several UI bugs.

- Fixed retopo/modeling problems arisen in the 41 build.

- A workaround for a problem: "Under new macOS Sonoma, an input string dialog overlays the whole window."

Fri Dec 15 12:47:30 2023 +0200

- Fixed essential problem of cutoff + new curves that was causing the edge artifacts. Now cutoff with curves is clean. Also, Ut off tool got checkbox [x] Use intersection. This is for convenience, if you need intersection instead of subtraction. It was possible using SHIFT, but now it is possible via UI as well.

- The super important and long-waited tool Edit->Scene scale master

- Blender AppLink problems fixed (when you bring model Blender -> 3DCoat)

- Fixed Import Quixel assets if the zip has sub-folders.

- Very essential Python/Core API update: retopo/modeling room represented in API. Fully procedural lowpoly modeling now possible. See the documentation and examples. Some retopo/modeling problems fixed as well.

- Fixed super longstanding and rare saving scene saving issue (related to ptex/microvertex painting) that leads to the scene file corruption.

- Fixed (possible) long nasty spikes problem for live booleans in some cases when intersecting surfaces has planar intersections.

Tue Nov 28 23:14:43 2023 +0200

- Fixed broken CoreAPI compiling, I also made additional automated tests to prevent this situation (second attempt, I hope final).

- Licensing of updates has been liberated a bit: prevented the situation when upgrades expire (due to license terms) and you can't use beta upgrades because you can't pay for them (because betas are not in downloads). Now in this case, betas may be used until the stable build is released.

- If Blender installed not into the default folder, 3DCoat will find it anyway and update the App Link.

Mon Nov 27 23:44:30 2023 +0200

- Fixed problem when deleting the volume that partcipates in booleans does not refresh the booleans scene correctly.

- Fixed some important issues related to Python, see the "Copy vs Reference" section in the documentation.

- Fixed File->Import->Import multiple objects

- UV management over Python/C++ got further improvements, look documentation and examples.

Sat Nov 25 00:33:23 2023 +0200

- UV management in Python/Core API, see examples and documentation. Additional operations with mesh (shell). dialog example updated.

- Extended the list of tools that may work with the proxy/multi-resolution: fit, re-project. Also all brushes from the brush constructor (including Super Relax) accessible as Shift/Ctrl+Shift actions.

- Fixed problems related to File->Import->Import multiple objects (broken scene, impossible to import scene as part of files list)

- Fixed problems related to voxel hide: Res+, Resample, etc. do not destroy hide undo. Res+ unhides (with undo) and applies the resolution increase. Undo restores to unhidden state; the next undo restores the hidden state. Also, unhide hotkey is not hardcoded as before.

- Fixed problems related to importing some EPS files.

Sun Nov 19 14:47:26 2023 +0200

- Fixed problems related to per-triangle hide tool (in surface and voxels), now it compatible with LB.

- Now Blender AppLink supports both Blender 3.x and Blender 4.x. Pay attention, AppLinks for the 3rd and 4th versions of Blender are different. Generally, all that you need is to agree with 3DCoat to copy files. If Blender installed into the default path the AppLinks will be updated automatically.

Sat Nov 18 11:31:55 2023 +0200

- Reviewed all recent automated crash reports, fixed every possible unsafe code.

- Correct "Retopo via decimation" with Live Booleans. Python API volume->decimated mesh functions extended.

- Pose tool in pen mode works correctly when "Through all volumes" is turned off.

- Fixed problem of possible flat holes (visual only) in LB.

Wed Nov 15 21:17:56 2023 +0200

- Fixed problem when you remove layers (usual) group.

- Little changes: better quality of circle cutoff in voxels, [x]On plane control in 4.9 splines.

- Corrected messages in Molding tool for commercial usage without license, prolonged till March 2024.

- Autoretopology supports Live Booleans, you may do autoretopology and baking without booleans collapsing.

- Fixed LB problems related to incremental render.

- Fixed problems of LB collapse / clone&collapse when the Symmetry enabled.

- Fixed problem when it was impossible to assign hotkey to the RMB->Change parent->Root

- Python projects with multiple modules supported. PY files in same folder as the main script may be imported.

- Better Python projects management - If you try to edit the separate PY file Coat offers project creation. Opening project leads to .pyi file update. The .pyi file contains the 3DCoat's API syntax scheme for the VS Code. The launch.json created automatically to be able to debug scripts step-by-step.

- The VoxExtrude tool works natively in voxels as well, it opens up a workflow: use VoxHide to hide some parts, then use VoxExtrude, then unhide. Previously, this sequence was causing mesh destruction.

- Scripts may now operate if the 3DCoat's window minimized.

- The Python debugging via the Visual Studio Code is now possible, see the Python documentation.

Thu Nov 9 21:28:18 2023 +0200

- The chosen font for text/primitive tools kept between 3dCoat sessions.

- Correct size for the layer/sculpt tree rename controls.

- Better visibility for measure tool numbers

- Fixed incorrect "rename" function for sculpt tree elements in python API.

- Python issues fixed (cluttering with 32/64 bit environment that was preventing the packages installation)

- Correct export for 3d printing with live booleans. Merge visible/subtree to surface/voxels works correctly as well.

- Toggle ghosted works a bit more smartly: if object picked, it toggles ghosting only for that object, otherwise it toggles all selected objects.

- Click over LB icon disables it (to view object as is), RMB shows the quick menu to change the boolean operation type.

- Fixed broken flat shade/relief/gloss/... only views for the sculpt objects.

- Live booleans enabled by default.

- Very essential optimization of live booleans speed. On my PC scene with 30m + 8m, subtraction, we move transform gizmo of smaller object, the FPS is 11-12.

Mon Nov 6 15:07:54 2023 +0200

- Merge visible/Merge subtree work correctly with the Live booleans.

- Live Booleans moved to own section in the RMB menu.

- Live booleans may be correctly bound to hotkeys.

- Menu/rooms scripts in UserPrefs/Rooms/ may now be written on Python. The .py files acceptable instead of .cpp, you may use python syntax and same functions names.

- If you ghost the volume that participates in live booleans, it becomes visible (but still cuts the parent). This way you may see and sculpt it (enabling ghost picking & acting).

- Restored missing commands in Sculpt->Coat tool (fill curve with patch): create retopo patch, create retopo quad patch, create doublesided retopo mesh.

- Fixed problems with 16 bit integer tiffs Alphas import. In alphas panel, there is new option - "Positive alpha" that means "If enabled, the top left pixel value will not be subtracted from the alpha depth."

- Fixed occasional crash when double-clicking on the viewport after the "3DCoat" startup

- Fixed live booleans problem when hiding volume leaves hole in the parent.

- Additional self-test mechanism to prevent situations when CoreAPI gets failed into the build. Also, any script may be executed as 3DCoat.exe -script "path to cpp/python script". The script may do some action and exit using coat::utils::quit() / coat.utils.quit()

Sat Oct 28 20:57:55 2023

- Baking supported for Live booleans.

- Access to live booleans via the python/CoreAPI.

- Live booleans now work correctly during any sculpt changes, just on-the-fly, also the collapsing to regular mesh available via RMB->Collapse boolean tree.

- Live booleans essentially updated: any complex hierarchical boolean combinations allowed, union support, correct work with instances (instances may not work with LB, but at least instancing stops if booleans are used). Correct picking, so retopo is possible. Correct painting over boolean volumes.

- Several symmetry - related UI issues fixed.

- Cloth tool improvements: if you turn current volume to cloth, you may ghost or hide the volume to avoid collision of the mesh with the volume.

- Little (but important) improvement of the Bas-relief tool if you use "Extrude free edges": the possibility to relax open edges before the extrusion.

- Undo for live booleans, Union as one of live boolean operations.

- Fixed Blob tool problem when the small loops was not filled.

Sat Oct 7 17:52:49 2023

- Warning! This build is not digitally signed due to delay in delivering the dongle for signing to Ukraine. This is not a problem to users that use updater, but may look suspicious to new users that use installer. So if you see the warning in Windows, just ignore it and continue.

- Freeze/Un-freeze/Paint/Erase as additional modifiers in SHIFT/CTRL-SHIFT actions.

- Possibility to relax the edges of holes in the surface mode.

- Fixed problem when arrays (repeating shapes/lasso in E mode) was not working correctly in "On plane" mode over transformed volumes.

- First release of the Live Booleans. It is in development stage; this is essentially beta. Enable it in Preferences > Beta > Live Booleans; look at the usage hint there. At its current stage, it works only with voxel volumes, but the intersection is sharp. No bevel (but this will be done later). In the scene, you will see a preview; small, narrow holes are possible, but the exported mesh is watertight.

- Scripting updated, better ui commands sequence execution algorithm, now if referred control is absent, the script waits short time for appearance. Access to settings. Fixed problem when some tool parameters can't be changed.

- Gizmo problems fixed: strange colors of gizmo in aces tone-mapping, scale/rotate buttons in retopo/modeling.

- Fixed artifacts on the edge of rect/lasso/shape selection in surface sculpting in any sculpt brush.

- Several users experienced problems with sliders, this is corrected.

- Fixed holes problem when you use Auto-subdivide in Brush Engine near the freeze border.

- In Prefs->Tools you may chose what keys combination will be used for E-mode arrays and shape rounding: NONE/CTRL/SHIFT, 0..9, R

- Speed improvements for the retopo/modeling toolset (multithreading whenever possible), especially for bigger polycount.

- Fixed surface brushing problem (holes in some cases, freeze state flickering).

Wed Sep 20 21:37:16 2023

- Copy clay correctly works in voxel toolset (it auto-turns to surface to prevent mesh destruction)

- Better quality of auto-mapping, less amount of islands, more accurate shape of each island.

- Correct work with complex N-gons for paint/retopo/uv tools, auto-mappping supports complex "bad" meshes with long triangles and polygons, it will not hang over very complex geometry (time to optimize limited).

- Fixed factures problem when the vertex color vanished even if factures layer is invisible.

- Fixed the sculpt/freeze/paint mode with symmetry.

- If you change slider value under low fps the result was almost uncontrollable, now that is fixed.

- "Emboss bower" in layers settings works correctly for PPP.

- The overall performance of 3DCaot greatly improved due to additional multi-threading optimizations. This is especially visible for per-pixel painting. Switching layers visibility, changing overall opacity become faster (approximately) 3 times.

- Fixed rare problem of random spots over the surface in voxel tools (brushing, primitives). This fix also resulted in some speedup of the voxel sculpting using the voxel brush engine.

- Modeling Room: Align Vertices. Improvement of Alignment by Plane. You can edit the shift of the Plane.

- Tool Smart Extrude: added Mode - Multi Extrude

Fri Sep 1 21:27:41 2023

- Fixed problem of "Apply UV" in UV room - if you use it and the go to Paint room and apply UV-s again - the texture becomes screwed.

- Fixed problem when Sculpt Clone/Cut&Clone produces meshes with holed if bevel enabled.

- Fixed problem of recalling the freeze state from the layer (relall pose selection from layer worked correctly, but recalling the freeze - not)

- In some cases the blob tool may work too long time (big shot square, randomly incorrect orientation, big volume density). In the case the warning appears. But even after warning it was hanging too long. Now after warning it stops operation quickly.

- In "On plane" mode the wheel (or CTRL Wheel) may optionally be used to move the plane back and forward.

- "Import tiles as UV-sets" works for MV painting as well.

- Fixed hang in render tool when the light intensity of one light source is zero.

- Fixed possible problem when user sets 16x AA in AO/Cavity calculation routine, but it is impossible to use because it requires too much video memory. In this case AA value reduced.

- Fixed crash in "Sweep profile along guide curve".

- Fixed crash in "Sweep profile along guide curve".

- Modeling Room: AlignmentVertexs- Alignment by Plane Orthogonal to Normal is implemented. Undo is improved

- Modeling Room: Align Vertices. Alignment by Cylinder is implemented.

- Modeling Room: Align Vertices. Improvement of Alignment by Circle. You can edit the center of the circle and the radius.

Thu Aug 24 14:51:08 2023

- Fixed instability problem related to adding normalmaps to smart materials channels.

- Control visiblity/ghosting/reference color using the Python API.

- Fixed possible instability in AO calculation routine.

- Molding operations and VDM creation included into the Python API.

- Fixed the problem of scene parent changing in the Python scripts.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of tool Select. Selecting islands of faces with similar normals. Using Ctrl + on the Number pad.

- The Alpha from 3D model creation dialog updated - better UI, possibility to create VDM alpha from the arbitrary 3D model. Of course VDM-s have some limitations, it is like thin film deformation and wrapping around the object, it is not always topologically possible.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of Select FreeLasso (edges/faces). Difference between Left to Right and Right to Left.

- If you picked VDM, it may be even used in any tool that does not support VDM (like paint room tools). In this case it will be used as anti-aliased projection from the top. It simplifies alphas creation a lot. Just pick any detail from the "dirty" surface and use whenever need.

- The Pick & Paste tool for the VDM-s picking improved - much more predictable and stable VDM-s picking even over complex and not clean shapes.

- Fixed problem when autopo symmetry auto-detection may be randomly failed.

- Better visibility of measure tool lines/text.

- Fixed set of problems related to moulding, small-scaled objects support, complex shapes with multiple vertical slopes allowed as well.

Fri Aug 11 20:44:25 2023

- MOULDING moved from Undercuts to the separate tool.

- Usual gizmo improves, less cluttered with plane scaling planes, better looking (anti-aliased).

- Mush better "Smooth selection" in pose tool, works better for irregular triangulation.

- To Global space, To Uniform space keep symmetry settings.

- Fixed several problems related to shaders - (1) sharing the shader with custom textures works correctly (via 3dcpack), (2) Replacement of the normalmap for the shader (if you edit it as permanent shader) works correctly.

- The Measure tool little improvement: in case "Measure is relative" the values show in units, not percents, any measurement line may be assigned as unit (the "Set as unit" button in eash line settings). Show subdivision displays the ticks proportional to units.

- Influence area is stored correctly within presets and tool settings.

- Fixed "File dialogs from tools do not close under macOS"

Mon Aug 7 13:01:03 2023

- Fixed problem when bas-relief may result in strange non-uniform object.

- Measure tool got the option "Measurement relative to the unit" to be able to measure proportions, for example proportions of face or body in percents relative to some unit.

- All surface brushes based on BrushEngine got new parameter - the influence area customization. It is important to limit the brush influence in tight areas.

- Fixed problem of cutting folders names in different items lists like shaders, alphas...

- Bright previews for VDM alphas

- Major improvement of the molding tool. I developed a new sort of Boolean operations that are always stable, lightning-fast, and applied it to this tool first. Now you can create molds for meshes up to 70-100M, which is unreachable in the industry. The result is subdivided adaptively, so the mesh at output will be relatively not too heavy. It is much, much faster; on my PC, molding the 50M mesh takes 6 minutes. The principle of fast Booleans may soon be used for other important tasks - real-time Booleans, even for heavy meshes. Developing of that algorithms took some time, but the result will influence on the whole 3DCoat, not just on molding. This improvement may really be game changing, because industrial molds of very detailed objects may be done via mesh in 3DCoat when using NURBS is just impossible.

- Fixed problem: when you open old sculpt scene the shader may become gray instead of usual look.

- Tool "Slide edges": bug fixed for Slide ring loop

- Saving rotation modes - rotation around the vertical axis or free rotation

- Little Improvements in the new Room "Mesh to NURBS"

Wed Jul 19 13:03:02 2023

- The reference color (Sculpt tree->Reference color) functionality restored.

- Fixed critical instability in render room.

Tue Jul 18 15:24:51 2023

- The retopo/modeling shell acts within the selected faces groups/uv-sets to avoid removing the whole connective area.

- Fixed the painting artifacts in per-pixel painting [at least, after fix we can't reproduce it]. They was appearing sometimes after DEL or Undo.

- Better symmetry detection for ABF unwrapping. Now if island is symmetrical, the unwrap should be symmetrical.

- Workaround for "2023.23 crashes upon start on macOS"

- Shader for primitives changed, now primitives rendering is much nicer.

- Voxel extrude supports "Ignore back faces" correctly, now it may be used over thin surfaces. Surface-like checkbox allows using alphas with mixed positive-negative extrusion correctly.

- Fixed all crashes found in automated bugreports you sent to us. Corrected problematic import of surface/voxel models from start menu (huge ones was crashing scene in some cases).

- Rendering of splines in retopo/stroke improved, also fixed several problems related to that tool.

- "Generate molding curves" asks for the curve points density. The quality of the generated curve drastically improved.

- In the molding toolset, the top and bottom shapes have adaptive subdivision, with polygons being dense near the parting line and rarer beyond. Thus, the polycount of the final shape is essentially reduced.

- Curves with regular points (without user-defined tangents or B-spline points) got much better and predictable shape. There was problem when distance between spline points varies too much. In this case the was loos or zig-zags near point between long and short chunks. Now it works more intuitively, allowing operating over curves with free points much more accurately.

- Fixed the issue of unclosed curve in retopo stroke tool if the lasso, circle or ellipse used.

Fri Jun 23 20:59:00 2023

- If you activate the toolset command by hotkey (or via the script, or via the space panel) the command button will be centered in the left panel.

- Voxel color works correctly when you save/load the scene partially using RMB->Save Volume/Import 3B file.

- Almost all drawing modes (except regular draw mode) support shape multiplication. If you paint any shape (rectangle, lasso, shape, stroke) and press numerical combination, the shape will be multiplied, so you may draw multiple shapes at once.

- The new important drawing mode introduced (within the E panel) - the Shapes. You may add any EPS file there (or drag curve from the curves tree) and then draw with that shape. Non-closed curves allowed as well. This new mode works transparently for all tools similar to lasso with the predefined shape. The 'R' to round, 'Alt' to rotate, 'Space' to move, 'Q'(or other modifier) to make uniform supported. In case of non-closed curves the border width used to set the line width.

- Fixed possible (in some cases) crash when you change the current language.

- Fixed mesh destruction when you use topology-changing tools (like snake) and then add multiresolution levels.

- Fixed problems related to co-existance of Python API and Core API, some Core API projects stopped to work because of Python API, now it is fixed.

Tue Jun 13 10:59:13 2023

- There is new option how 3D Coat gets form vertex - > edges selection: with expansion or without that.

- Some python samples (mesh+primitives) was closing 3DCoat, fixed it.

Mon Jun 12 21:57:57 2023

- The custom items inserted by script into the menu/toolset may be removed by RMB->Remove...

- Fixed problem when: you add mesh to palette it does not appear in list until restart.

- Corrected the problem: if tools switching lags, the activation tools by hotkeys may become buggy.

- Python API fine-tune, extended a lot the Mesh class, non-trivial examples of usage (breaking the object)

- Python API updated, polished, better doc, more examples, especially important is GeneratorExample.py, it contains example of the simplest non-destructive generator.

Fri Jun 2 21:05:43 2023

- Multiple small bugfixes

- Voxel object->RMB->Axial symmetry corrected

- The Core API restored, now it works correctly (it was broken for 2023 builds).

- The Python scripting support in 3DCoat preliminary release. It is still in development and testing sand growing stage, but the base version already available, including basic documentation. We will add more functionality, samples, improve functionality in next builds. The Python API is very close to Core API, same classes, same functions, same logic, but applicable to the Python. Currently embedded Python 3.8 used (as last that supports Windows 7). No any additional install needed, all included.

- 3DCoat > Edit > Preferences > General > Store Window State

- Fixed problem of text correction (text not applied locally).

- Fixed several problems of voxel extrude tool.

- Fixed stamp + voxel brush engine with color.

- Fixed narrow, but important problem of hotkeys: if you assign hotkey to the tool that currently present in UI, then switch (say to voxels) and try to activate that action it will now be triggered anyway if it is generally applicable.

- The new mechanism to extend 3DCoat implemented - some (more heavy) assets like VDM alphas may be downloaded right from the alphas panel (if you will get to VDM folder). Generally this mechanism will be extended to other assets as well.

- Logging the usage of the environment variable "COAT_LICENSE"

- Tool "To NURBS Surface" - Bug fixed for Auto Unify.

- Bug fixed for Lofte mode with Undo in Tool Smart Retopo.

- Tool "To NURBS Surface" - Added button Auto Unify. "Unify the surfaces within rectangular regions that are formed by selecting edges."

Sat May 6 12:33:53 2023

- Fixed the problem of "flat cut plane" in CTRL+Voxel Extrude.

- Fixed jags in strokes (during painting) in Retopo/Strokes

- Several Autopo improvements: compatibility with "Z-up", auto-removing flying dirt in source mesh to prevent final mesh quality degradation, fixed some issues that was causing instability, better snapping along the symmetry plane.

- "Curves->Record stroke" records now correct, equally spaced curve.

Sat Apr 29 21:10:53 2023

- UI speed improvements (switching between room and tools, overall fps)

- Hide tool improved - possibility to store hidden state to layer and get it back, expand hidden.

- Fixed most longstanding problem ever: The Fill Tool in the Paint Room now fills correctly even in areas where polygon density is greater than pixel density.

- Fixed problem of painting with spacing + ignore back faces in Paint/Curves tool.

- Fixed incorrect function (in case of sharp selection) of the Freeze->Smooth Freezing

- Fixed returning bug - hang in voxels/legacy airbrush with CTRL.

- If a user adds an incorrect image (too big or broken), it may lead to permanent failure of 3DCoat during loading. I have created a special system to diagnose, correct, and prevent this.

Sun Apr 23 11:06:39 2023

- 3DConnexion essential update: now menu/tools activation commands accessible directly from the device and may be assigned within the Space Mouse control panel. It is also the part of certification process for the 3DConnexion.

- Correct baking custom shaders to ppp (anyway, for baking it should be PBR shader based).

- Fixed problem of cloning objects with customized shaders.

- Fixed UI issue present in some dialogs where the checkbox does not change the dialog structure as expected (e.g., shader dialogs).

- Fixed problem of gizmo movement direction using the axis line.

Sat Apr 15 21:41:57 2023

- Fixed problem with voxel primitives - sometimes "Apply" had no effect, trace mode worked with strange irregular spacing.

- Urgent fix: several retopo/modeling tools was broken due to incorrect crash fix related to weld.

Fri Apr 14 11:44:17 2023

- Fixed most common instability in UI system.

- Fixed problem that some factures become invisible during painting.

- More accurate routine to preventing blob tool hang.

Mon Apr 10 21:42:31 2023

- Fixed crashes that were reported by the automatic bug-reporting system. It is now super useful, so please send a report if a crash happens; I will look at each one.

- Fixed crash in Retopo->Mesh->Apply symmetry to all layers

- Improved quality of VDM Alpha picking with better tolerance to high-sloped peaks.

- Possibility to save VD from Alphas panel, flip X/Y components if need.

- Add multiple alphas using a multi-select file dialog.

- Fixed possible hangs in the Blob tool when camera and plane positions result in distant, huge objects. Another case for a hang is when the plane is enabled but not defined.

- Fixed the problem of lasso/rectangle painting with smart materials.

- All Voxel brush engine-based tools that have the option "Act as Vox Hide" working as a Voxel Hide tool in Lasso/Rectangle mode.

Tue Apr 4 21:30:04 2023

- "Retopo/Select All Faces of the Group" switches to the Select Tool after faces are selected.

- Fixed rare problem of importing OBJ files with repeating vertices over same face.

- Molding free period extended.

- A lot of VDM-related small improvements: correct work with CTRL, better fitting high horn-like geometry, better placement of the capturing round near the feature.

- Modeling Room: Smart Retopo Tool - Welding of vertices on the axis symmetry has been improved.

Sun Apr 2 20:18:12 2023

- The export dialog has been corrected; there was a problem where the UI would not refresh depending on the Export Geometry/Textures checkboxes.

- I reviewed all automated bug reports and fixed almost all of them. Every bug report is valuable and helps to make 3DCoat more stable.

- The Pick & Paste Surface Sculpt Tool, located near the Extrude, allows you to grab a feature from a raw surface, create a Vector Displacement Map (VDM), and use it with Extrude to duplicate the feature. It doesn't require a flat or nice surface to grab the element; it automatically unwraps and flattens the edge. You can also export VDMs as EXR files to use in other applications. Additionally, you can add external VDM alphas (3 channels, 32-bit, EXR/TIFF) into the Alphas panel and use them in the Surface Extrude.

- Fixed flipped alpha preview in activity bar.

- Fixed a small UI bug - clicking on activity items with the right mouse button triggers the properties, but they close if you move outside the activity area.

- Fixed "App link update required" popups on every run and doesn't work when a user manually renamed "Documents" to "Документы"

- Fixed "3DCoat" not launching for users who manually renamed "Documents" to "Документы"

Thu Mar 30 00:07:59 2023

- Fixed the problem where, after performing certain operations in the dialog (with incremental rendering turned ON), the mesh may disappear, but reappear as soon as the camera is moved.

- Fixed problem when the move tool destroys (makes visible holes) the non-uniform mesh.

- Bigger resolution of alphas preview (if you add new alphas).

- Preliminary (early stage) support of VDM alphas in Surface/Extruder tool. 3-channels, 32 bit EXR-s are treated as VDM-s. Later it will be extended (picking VDM-s from any raw surface, color, making VDM from any model, support VDM-s in voxels and in all brushes). All this is in gradual development, exposing just this small piece.

- Fixed the problem of installing a license via clipboard text.

- Fixed problems related to curves editor window: resolved contradiction between properties rmb, curve point mode rmb click and rmb & drag to change pen radius.

- Fixed major problem of the 10th build: the workfolder was moved to user/3DCoat if the Documents folder was within the OneDrive folder. If you used 3DCoat in that configuration, 3DCoat will detect it and offer to move files to usual location - Documents/3DCoat.

- Fixed important Coat's kernel bug that was causing random crashes sometimes.

- Corrected the width of the text/number input dialogs so that it is not too wide even if the Windows scale is greater than 100%.

- Fixed various problems related to the "Don't Show Again" checkbox.

- Modeling Room: "Surface swept" tool: An improved algorithm for dividing a mesh along a guideline.

Mon Mar 27 21:35:34 2023

- Fixed the problem of incomplete fill or erase when using rectangular/lasso selection with the "Ignore Back Faces" option enabled in the Paint Tools.

- Getting rid of "IncompleteWarning3B" under macOS

- Better stability of booleans of very heavy meshes.

- Correct image preview in Paint/Transform tool after loading external image

- Fixed the issue of potential mesh destruction if you switch from voxels to surface within any of the paint tools.

- RMB over layer -> Freeze Painted/Freeze Transparent works correctly with Pose Selection.

- The pose/freeze selection management improved: store to layer, recall from layer, recall by click on layer. Part of this functionality was present before, but it was not clear how to use it.

- More optimizations of heavy sculpt scenes speed.

- Modeling Room: Free Moving tool: Snapping of the group is edited.

- Modeling Room: Lattice tool: Bug fixed

- macOS Insert = Fn + Enter

- Modeling Room: Many tools now have an Esc key handler added. This will terminate the current tool and activate the Selection tool.

- macOS - getting rid of the sticky mouse in file dialogs

Tue Mar 21 21:47:02 2023 +0200

- The auto bug-reporting system has become more useful and stable.

- The precision of the parting curve has been improved in the molding tool.

- It appears that the mandatory Windows update KB5023706 is causing significant issues, not only for 3DCoat but also for most applications that heavily rely on multithreading. Therefore, we will verify if the update has been installed and provide instructions on how to uninstall it.

- Improved performance for Cutoff-related operations on heavy meshes, with speeds 3 to 10 times faster.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Added the possibility to initiate Gizmo in the Select Tool by right-clicking the mouse while holding down the Shift key.

Sun Mar 19 21:35:37 2023 +0200

- The Freeze tool (and its derivatives) properly support the "Ignore back faces" option.

- The loading time for large sculpt scenes has been significantly reduced.

- The problem that caused occasional crashes (which were rare) when loading the scene has been fixed.

- Improved quality of "Generate molding curves" for complex assets with multiple parts.

- Bas-relief, Extrude free edges mode works correctly (was broken)

- Fixed multiresolution problems (mesh destruction) the may happen if the multires mesh does not cover whole parent mesh.

Fri Mar 17 00:16:24 2023 +0200

- Most voxel operations on heavy meshes, including undo, voxelization, light baking, and applying voxel color, have been sped up by around 70%.

- Curves Tool: Freehand Drawing of Curve is Improved

- Curves Tool: Added Curve Start Point in Display

- Retopo/Modeling Room:Added Normal to Cut Section Curve

- The licensing method has been updated to simplify the entire process. To install the license, follow these steps: Click "Login" in 3DCoat without entering any information, then the website will open. Log in there, and you're done. Of course old methods (via license file) work as well.

- Fixed a lot of problems related to the activity bar. Now it is much more convenient. In details: (1) switching folders refreshes content immediately, (2) Correct icon in Alphas tab, (3) Correct show/hide of the items panel, there was problem that panel hides unexpectedly if the right panel width is a bit bigger than default.

- Retopo/Modeling Room: The intersection tool of the low-poly mesh now crosses all visible mesh.

- Finally solved all issues to conversion normal-map->displacement in smart material editor. The normal-map format detected automatically, displacement orientation corresponds to the color map.

- If the "Surface-like mode" enabled in Voxel Brush Engine - based brush, negative values in alphas supported as well. Just as example, the brush "Voxel Skin" introduced.

- The important changes for ALPHAS: now alphas imported from images (including exr) may be mixed positive and negative, it allows making more realistic skin details. Negative alphas work for draw/extrude-like brushes in sculpt room. Additional option - Alphas may be imported as rounds with accurate falloff, it simplifies making alphas from the raw textures a lot. This option available in alphas palette or using drag&drop.

- Principally solved color picker problem.

Fri Mar 10 23:59:56 2023 +0200

- The huge file removed from installer that was responsible for automated bugreports. I found way to send informative bugreports (as before) but without that database. It also leads to the better protection of 3dcoat from illegal hacking and reverse engineering.

- Surface Patch Little Improvement Control of Qty USpans. Added control by Mouse Wheel

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Added the intersection of the low-poly mesh with a plane.

- The triangulation for the multiresolution improved to avoid ugly stars in the subdivided mesh.

- Better shape of the mold if the "Border width" option enabled, in this case there will be additional accurate falloff around the border.

- If you import normamap into smart material depth channel, if will be converted to 16-bit tif to prevent "ladder" effect.

- Tool Select/Transform: Improvement of snapping of the Gizmo to Faces.

Tue Mar 7 09:42:49 2023 +0200

- Tool FreeMoving: Added possibility to moving Mesh by Snapping by Right Button Mouse.

- Fixed critical multires problem that appeared in previous build due to optimization

Sun Mar 5 17:32:14 2023 +0200

- For the brush engine the depth on pressure dependency is the part of the brush mechanics, so the overall depth on pressure curve control on the top line has no sense in this case and just distracts the user. So it is hidden in tools derived from the brush engine.

- Fixed multiresolution problem when dirty noise may appear on areas not covered by the multiresolution mesh.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Added Mode: Points to Polygons, Quads, Add/Split, Brush, Cap

- The checkbox "Invert normalmap" in the dialog that helps to convert normal map->displacement in the Smart materials edit panel.

- Much faster preparation process for the multiresolution, especially in case of the multiresolution using the retopo mesh.

- GridTool : Bug fixed

- UI tweaks in multiresolution dialog

- Fixed problem of unfilled faces in Fill->Material/Surface

Wed Mar 1 16:53:42 2023 +0200

- Possibility to choose cold/hot/grey theme for tools icons in Preferences.

- New function "Create parts to subtract" in molding tool, this is important for the fine control over heavy scenes molding.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Bug fixed during Welding Vertices/Edges by Right Button Mouse

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Improvement of snapping of the Gizmo to Vertex/Edges/Faces

- Molding is now more capable for highpoly objects (10-30 millions triangles). Before subtraction from the molding form the mesh may be auto-decimated, it makes that subtraction to be possible.

- Removed all Hard Edges for AUTOPO->Instant Meshes

- Retopo/Modeling Room: Added Snapping of Gizmo to Vertex/Edges

Thu Feb 23 20:16:16 2023 +0200

- Long, long waited: painting over model and over UV window utilizes same radius and depth, now you may paint "seamlessly" over UV, then over model and vice versa.

- Array of copies - Symmetric is implemented.

- Correct UV window + rect/lasso selection interaction in retopo room.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Bug fixed of Welding on the Axis Symmetry

- Tool Smart Retopo: "Show Open Edge" is improved

- Tool Smart Retopo: Bug fixed during Welding Vertices/Edges by Right Button Mouse.

- BevelTool: Symmetric is implemented.

- The prompt about the hotkey definition disabled in cases when it does not work.

- Fixed super-longstanding problem of retopo/strokes - sometimes it was creating back face that was the source of problems. This happened if perimeter of the created polygons group was less than 12, so mostly for small islands.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Bug fixed for Editing Vertices/Edges by Right Button Mouse.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Welding Bug fixed. Bug Occurred if Symmetry is enabled.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Welding Bug fixed. Bug Occurred if Measure Units are not Millimeters

- Tool Smart Retopo: Welding is improved

Fri Feb 17 17:52:22 2023 +0200

- Booleans speed and for huge meshes improved, molding for huge meshes improved (at least to be able to produce useful result).

- RetopoTool: SelectByFreeLasso (faces) Bug fixed

- The lasso that consists of lines may also be rounded in same way as rectangle (using R hotkey or E-panel settings)

- Keeping the R hotkey allows to change border radius on the fly.

- Rectangle/Square in E-modes got the rounded edges (optionally)

- Blender AppLink updated to be able to exchange data with 3DCoat just from scratch install. So, just install 3DCoat, Blender, follow what 3DCoat tells (easy to follow) and then you may easily drop assets to Blender, including Factures. Compatibility with Blender 3.4 improved.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Snaping is improved.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Welding (after moving by Right Button Mouse) is improved

- Fixed spikes problems related to multiresolution via decimation.

- You may choose the 4.xx rooms selection style in preferences: Preferences->Theme->Use tabs instead of the drop list to switch the rooms.

- Tool "Surface by two views": A "Parameter" changed t

- Tool Smart Retopo: Fixed a bug with Vertex Welding after Right Button Mouse moved.

- The tapering angle in the Bas-relief tool may be negative to allow the conical shapes modeling.

- Tool "Surface by two views". Added possibility to preview surface

- Tool Smart Retopo: Added possibility to delete edge by key Delete.

- Tool "Surface by two views". Added Parameters Graph.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Mode Strip is modified. Added possibility set vertices of the guide spline to be sharp by Right Button Mouse

Tue Feb 7 21:47:24 2023 +0200

- Textures->Import UV does not flip the UV

- Fixed problem of stamp mode and symmetry in paint workspace.

- Fixed various issues related to Edit->Customize UI

- More logical position for gizmo if you use soft selection

- Ring selection for retopo/modeling soft selection corrected

- Fixed critical problem of voxel booleans (arised when the airbrush was fixed)

- Tool Smart Retopo: Little improvement for Editing Edges by Right Button Mouse.

Sat Feb 4 22:00:53 2023 +0200

- Tool Smart Retopo: Little improvement in the pre-calculation of Qty USpans.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Added button "Show Open Edges"

- Tool Smart Retopo: Added possibility Editing Edges by Right Button Mouse. If hold Ctrl activate Slide Edge. If hold Ctrl+Shift activate Splite Rings.

- Trees Generator tool got the possibility to generate Leafs. You may add own leafs types, sculpt the shape of crone if need, export all this as FBX. In CoreAPI you got the possibility to add textured objects into the sculpt scene (see the Trees generator example). This is still beta feature.

- MakeSpliteEdge Symmetric is implemented.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Correspondence of Qty USpans/VSpans to Qty of Face. Added check button "Alternative Select"

- Tool Smart Retopo: The algorithm of Snaping is improved.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Symmetric is implemented.

- Fixed problem of painting with lasso/pen over hidden areas in surface mode - now hidden areas are not painted.

- Fixed problem when doubleclick in move tool leads to unexpected surface move.

- "3DCoat 2022.58" runs under the new Linux "22.10"

- Fixed/corrected old problem with Preferences files that was causing 3DCoat to crash at startup.

- Added a timelapse recording tool that takes a screenshot of your work at a specified interval by smoothly moving the camera and then converting it to video. That allows you to record the process of sculpting by speed up of a hundred times and smooth camera movement, which is a pleasure to look at. To enable timelapse recording, go to the tool tab in preferences

- Tool Smart Retopo: Mode Strip is modified. Updating of Surface normal is improved. Added possibility Editing Mesh by Right Button Mouse.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Welding is improved

Thu Jan 26 22:06:47 2023 +0200

- New menu items: Curves->Hide selected curves, Stop editing and hide selected

- Fixed multiple problems related to multiresolution via retopo or decimation, it is much more stable, robust and usable now.

- Tool Smart Retopo: The algorithm of building mesh is improved. Only for Rectangle patches.

- Tool Smart Extrude: Symmetric operation for Face possible

- macOS > automatic "Upscale interface on HiDPI to make text larger"

- Tool Smart Retopo: Trimming of Splines is modified for building Boundary lines.

- macOS > 3DCoat > Edit > Preferences > Theme > Upscale interface on HiDPI to make text larger

- Fixed freeze of 3DC in the (legacy) voxels/airbrush tool.

- Tool Smart Retopo: The algorithm for pre-calculation of Qty USpans has been improved even better. This greatly speeds up the work of the designer.

- Decimation of the sculpt object keeps the layers colors.

- Fixed several issues related to pose selection: gizmo placement, invert selection

- Fixed Blender AppLink issue related to FBX export. Now factures may be exported to Blender again.

- Retopo Room: Select By FreeLasso modified. Added possibility select by edges

- Tool Smart Retopo: Mode Strip is modified. Width field Added.

- The checkbox "Use soft selection" in retopo/select improves compatibility with the previous approach for the selection.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Default values changed: WeldTolerance = 1; Snaping To Sculpt = false;

- Hotkeys, assigned to the global tool params line will not overlap the text.

- Fixed problem of Paint/Transform tool when activation of the tool does not activate the rect selection mode by default.

- Fixed longstanding Undo issue in paint room (especially visible in copy/paste tool).

- Limiting macOS HiDPI scale to "2.0"

- Fixed the color painting artifacts after you sculpted the surface.

- Tool Smart Retopo: Added pre-calculation of Qty USpans. Added Render of Qty USpans.

- Tool Smart Retopo is little polished

- The tools parameters (like for fill tool) does not disappear when the material editor is open.

- Edit > Preferences > Brushing > Ignore double clicks from pen allows to start strokes with pen double tap

Wed Jan 11 21:17:51 2023 +0200

- RMB properties/commands in retopo/modeling/uv may be turned off via preferences if you don't like it.

- Correct cavity preview over the material ball in the Textura

- Fixed various issues related to soft selection, soft selection extended to rec/lasso selection (via the relax button).

- Fixed infinite loop when you accidentally set curve radius to be zero and applied it.

- Tool "To NURBS Surface" - Added an option, that allows you to speed up and simplify the work

- Fixed the problem of non-precise Move tool movements in screen space, the problem may lead to breaking exactly flat areas.

- Finished the 3dcpack-s optional protection stuff.

Wed Jan 4 23:44:39 2023 +0200

- UI improvements: wheel works only for focused droplists/sliders, darker color for inactive tabs, bigger size for color picker sliders, optional one-column mode for tools list, no dialogs flickering when you change values.

- (!!!) Soft selection/transform for the vertices supported in the retopo/modeling rooms.

- Possibility to protect own 3DCoat extensions (3dcpacks) from using in other packages without the author permission. This is super-longstanding request from Flavio Rygaard.

- Tool "To NURBS Surface" - Bug fixed for triangle face

- "To NURBS surface" enabled in the Modeling room. Pay attention, IGES export will require the special license after the test period because it is essentially industrial feature.

- Fixed "Remove stretching"

- Tool Smart Retopo is polished

Mon Dec 19 23:06:54 2022 +0200

- Fixed UI contradiction in the space panel (correct hotkeys assignment for the sub-sections, previously same key was assigned, for example, for [C] Curves and [C] Commands. Now it is [C] Curves and [M] Commands).

- Invert tool action checkbox for the surface/voxel brush engine - based tools.

- Fixed problem of some voxel brushes that were (almost) not dependent on the pen pressure.

- Fixed several UI problems: tools selection in subgroups, duplicated tools.

- Taking the lowest multiresolution level from the retopo become really useful. Now it creates severl multiresolution levels if the detils level is too different. The transition is smooth and even big changes on the low level result with the smooth result on the top level.

- For tool Select/Transform added restoring Pen Selection Mode

- New tool Convert Mesh to NURBS Surface. Added the ability to merge surfaces.