3DCoatScripting  4.8.31β
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Класс coat::scripto::Vec2

Class for working with Euclidean vectors in 2D-space. Подробнее...

Открытые типы

typedef comms::cVec< float, 2 > vec2_t

Открытые члены

const About & about () const
 operator std::string () const
bool operator== (const Vec2 &b) const
bool normalized () const
bool zero () const
Vec2operator() (int i, float value)
float operator() (int i) const
Vec2x (const float &value)
float x () const
Vec2y (const float &value)
float y () const
Vec2 operator- () const
Vec2operator+= (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2operator-= (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2operator*= (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2operator*= (const float &k)
Vec2operator/= (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2operator/= (const float &k)
Vec2 operator+ (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2 operator- (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2 operator* (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2 operator* (const float &k) const
Vec2 operator/ (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2 operator/ (const float &k) const
float angle (const Vec2 &b) const
float distance (const Vec2 &b) const
float dot (const Vec2 &b) const
float length () const
float lengthSquared () const
Vec2abs ()
Vec2 absCopy () const
Vec2clamp (float min, float max)
Vec2 clampCopy (float min, float max) const
Vec2clamp (const Vec2 &min, const Vec2 &max)
Vec2 clampCopy (const Vec2 &min, const Vec2 &max) const
Vec2lerp (const Vec2 &b, float s)
Vec2 lerpCopy (const Vec2 &b, float s) const
Vec2max (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2 maxCopy (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2min (const Vec2 &b)
Vec2 minCopy (const Vec2 &b) const
Vec2normalize ()
Vec2 normalizeCopy () const
Vec2round ()
Vec2 roundCopy () const
Vec2reflect (const Vec2 &normal)
Vec2 reflectCopy (const Vec2 &normal) const
Vec2refract (const Vec2 &normal, float eta)
Vec2 refractCopy (const Vec2 &normal, float eta) const
Vec2slerp (const Vec2 &b, float s)
Vec2 slerpCopy (const Vec2 &b, float s) const
Vec2transform (const Mat4 &)
Vec2 transformCopy (const Mat4 &) const
Vec2truncate (float length)
Vec2 truncateCopy (float length) const

Статические открытые данные

static const Vec2 ONE
static const Vec2 ZERO

Подробное описание

Class for working with Euclidean vectors in 2D-space.

См. также
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